
1.9 KiB

8 Dec 2013, version 0.5.4

  • latest tag always shows highest version available (issue #8)
  • added a configurable timeout for requests to uplinks (issue #18)
  • users with bad authentication header are considered not logged in (issue #17)

24 Nov 2013, version 0.5.3

  • added proxy support for requests to uplinks (issue #13)
  • changed license from default BSD to WTFPL

26 Oct 2013, version 0.5.2

  • server now supports unpublishing local packages
  • added fs-ext dependency (flock)
  • fixed a few face conditions

20 Oct 2013, version 0.5.1

  • fixed a few errors related to logging

12 Oct 2013, version 0.5.0

  • using bunyan as a log engine
  • pretty-formatting colored logs to stdout by default
  • ask user before creating any config files

5 Oct 2013, version 0.4.3

  • basic tags support for npm (read-only)
  • npm star/unstar calls now return proper error

29 Sep 2013, version 0.4.2

28 Sep 2013, version 0.4.1

  • using mocha for tests now
  • making use of streams2 api, doesn't work on 0.8 anymore
  • basic support for uploading packages to other registries

27 Sep 2013, version 0.4.0

  • basic test suite
  • storage path in config is now relative to config file location, not cwd
  • proper cleanup for temporary files

12 Jul 2013, version 0.3.2

4 Jul 2013, version 0.3.1

  • using ETag header for all json output, based on md5

20 Jun 2013, version 0.3.0

  • compression for http responses
  • requests for files to uplinks are now streams (no buffering)
  • tarballs are now cached locally

19 Jun 2013, version 0.2.0

  • config file changed, packages is now specified with minimatch
  • ability to retrieve all packages from another registry (i.e. npmjs)

14 Jun 2013, version 0.1.1

  • config is now autogenerated
  • tarballs are now read/written from fs using streams (no buffering)

9 Jun 2013, version 0.1.0

  • first npm version
  • ability to publish packages and retrieve them locally
  • basic authentication/access control

22 May 2013, version 0.0.0

  • first commits