mirror of
synced 2024-11-09 16:45:51 +01:00
* chore: extend docs * chore(wip): attach ghcr * chore(test): mock a docker-build-push run * chore(test): verify `unstable` skips GHCR * chore(test): second mock attempt to skip GHCR * chore: cleanup after successful tests
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# `Pypi-server` Release Workflow Reference
The official `pypi-server` releases are handled using
[GitHub Actions workflows](../../../.github/workflows/).
## General release process
flowchart LR
rc["release-candidate ⭐️"]
rn["release-notes 📝"]
rm["confirmed-tag ✅"]
ci["code-checks 🧪"]
pk["build-and-pack 📦"]
py["pypi-index 🗃️"]
do["docker-hub 🐳"]
gh["gh-container-registry 🚀"]
gr["github-release 📣"]
subgraph "Preparation 🌱"
subgraph "Integration 🪴"
subgraph "Deploy 🌳"
pk--> py & do & gh & gr
## Process walkthrough
> 🗺️ ***This description approximates the real GitHub workflows and steps.***
> 👀 *For a more detailed view, do check out the linked resources as you read.*
### Preparation 🌱
> 🛠️ *These step are applicable only for maintainers.*
#### Release candidate ⭐️
A new release candidate can be initiated ***manually** or **on a monthly schedule***.
This is done via the [`rc.yml`](../../../.github/workflows/rc.yml) GH
Workflow's `workflow_dispatch` or `schedule` trigger.
The workflow automatically prepares a list of changes for the `CHANGES.rst` and
creates a new Pull Request *(rc PR)* named
`chore(auto-release-candidate-YYY-MM-DD)` including these draft change notes.
#### Release notes 📝
In the created rc PR, open the `CHANGES.rst` and:
1. ***adjust the suggested changelog items***
2. ***choose & set the next released version***
3. ***set the right release date***
Commit the changes and push them to the head branch of the rc PR.
#### Confirmed tag ✅
1. Once everything is looking good, ***approve and merge*** the rc PR.
It will create the new *commit* with the updated `CHANGES.rst`
on the default branch.
2. Next, to create a release tag, ***manually run*** the
[`rt.yml`](../../../.github/workflows/rt.yml) GH Workflow.
First, it executes all the [`bumpver`](../../../bin/README.md) procedures.
Next, it commits and pushes the new **version tag** to the default branch.
### Integration 🪴
#### Code checks 🧪
Once any *commmit* or *tag* is pushed to the default branch,
[`ci.yml`](../../../.github/workflows/ci.yml) GH Workflow automatically
executes diverse code checks: e.g. *linting*, *formatting*, *tests*.
#### Build and pack 📦
If all the checks are successful, [`ci.yml`](../../../.github/workflows/ci.yml)
builds all the code artifacts: e.g. *wheels*, *docker images*.
### Deploy 🌳
#### Publish to PyPi 🗃️
> 🏷️ This happens only on new *version tags*.
Once everythig is built, [`ci.yml`](../../../.github/workflows/ci.yml) uploads
the wheels to the [`pypiserver` PyPi project](https://pypi.org/project/pypiserver/).
#### Publish to Docker Hub 🐳
> 🏷️ Docker image *tags* are determined on the fly.
If all is successful so far, [`ci.yml`](../../../.github/workflows/ci.yml) tags
the built docker images and pushes them to the
[`pypiserver` Docker Hub repository](https://hub.docker.com/r/pypiserver/pypiserver).
#### Publish to GitHub Container Registry 🚀
> 🏷️ Docker image *tags* are determined on the fly.
For all `stable` (i.e. `latest`, tag, release ...) tags derived by
[`ci.yml`](../../../.github/workflows/ci.yml) tags,
the built docker images are *also* pushed to
[`pypiserver` GitHub Container Registry](https://github.com/orgs/pypiserver/packages?repo_name=pypiserver).
#### Publish a GitHub Release draft 📣
> 🛠️ *This step is applicable only for maintainers.*
> 🏷️ This happens only on new *version tags*.
To make the release noticeable, [`ci.yml`](../../../.github/workflows/ci.yml)
also creates a *draft*
[GitHub Release entry in the `pypiserver` repository](https://github.com/pypiserver/pypiserver/releases).
> 📝 Since it is a *draft*, the entry should be *manually* adjusted further.