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Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
"""Tests for the Pypiserver Docker image."""
import contextlib
import os
import shutil
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import typing as t
from pathlib import Path
import httpx
import pypiserver
import pytest
TEST_DEMO_PIP_PACKAGE = "pypiserver-mypkg"
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
THIS_DIR = Path(__file__).parent
DOCKERFILE = ROOT_DIR / "Dockerfile"
FIXTURES = ROOT_DIR / "fixtures"
HTPASS_FILE = FIXTURES / "htpasswd.a.a"
# This rule is largely useless when using pytest because of the need to use the
# name of the fixture as an argument to the test function or fixture using it
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
# Also useless rule for our test context, where we may want to group test
# functions in a class to share common fixtures, but where we don't care about
# the `self` instance.
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
def image() -> str:
"""Build the docker image for pypiserver.
Return the tag.
tag = "pypiserver:test"
return tag
def mypkg_build() -> None:
"""Ensure the mypkg test fixture package is build."""
# Use make for this so that it will skip the build step if it's not needed
run("make", "mypkg", cwd=ROOT_DIR)
def mypkg_paths(
mypkg_build: None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument
) -> t.Dict[str, Path]:
"""The path to the mypkg sdist file."""
dist_dir = Path(MYPKG_ROOT) / "dist"
assert dist_dir.exists()
sdist = dist_dir / "pypiserver_mypkg-1.0.0.tar.gz"
assert sdist.exists()
wheel = dist_dir / "pypiserver_mypkg-1.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl"
assert wheel.exists()
return {
"dist_dir": dist_dir,
"sdist": sdist,
"wheel": wheel,
def wait_for_container(port: int) -> None:
"""Wait for the container to be available."""
for _ in range(60):
except (httpx.RequestError, httpx.HTTPStatusError):
# If we reach here, we've tried 60 times without success, meaning either
# the container is broken or it took more than about a minute to become
# functional, either of which cases is something we will want to look into.
raise RuntimeError("Could not connect to pypiserver container")
def get_socket() -> int:
"""Find a random, open socket and return it."""
# Close the socket automatically upon exiting the block
with contextlib.closing(
socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
) as sock:
# Bind to a random open socket >=1024
sock.bind(("", 0))
# Return the socket number
return sock.getsockname()[1]
class RunReturn(t.NamedTuple):
"""Simple wrapper around a simple subprocess call's results."""
returncode: int
out: str
err: str
def run(
*cmd: str,
capture: bool = False,
raise_on_err: bool = True,
check_code: t.Callable[[int], bool] = lambda c: c == 0,
**popen_kwargs: t.Any,
) -> RunReturn:
"""Run a command to completion."""
stdout = subprocess.PIPE if capture else None
stderr = subprocess.PIPE if capture else None
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, **popen_kwargs)
out, err = proc.communicate()
result = RunReturn(
"" if out is None else out.decode(),
"" if err is None else err.decode(),
if raise_on_err and not check_code(result.returncode):
raise RuntimeError(result)
return result
def uninstall_pkgs() -> None:
"""Uninstall any packages we've installed."""
res = run("pip", "freeze", capture=True)
if any(
for ln in res.out.splitlines()
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
run("pip", "uninstall", "-y", TEST_DEMO_PIP_PACKAGE)
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
@pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
def session_cleanup() -> t.Iterator[None]:
"""Deal with any pollution of the local env."""
def cleanup() -> t.Iterator[None]:
"""Clean up after tests that may have affected the env."""
class TestCommands:
"""Test commands other than `run`."""
def test_help(self, image: str) -> None:
"""We can get help from the docker container."""
res = run("docker", "run", image, "--help", capture=True)
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
def test_version(self, image: str) -> None:
"""We can get the version from the docker container."""
res = run("docker", "run", image, "--version", capture=True)
assert res.out.strip() == pypiserver.__version__
class TestPermissions:
"""Test permission validation, especially with mounted volumes."""
@pytest.mark.parametrize("perms", (0o706, 0o701, 0o704))
def test_needs_rx_on_data(self, image: str, perms: int) -> None:
"""Read and execute permissions are required on /data."""
# Note we can't run this one as root because then we have to make a file
# that even we can't delete.
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
# Make sure the directory is not readable for anyone other than
# the owner
data_dir = Path(tmpdir) / "data"
res = run(
# Run as a not us user ID, so access to /data will be
# determined by the "all other users" setting
str(os.getuid() + 1),
# Mount the temporary directory as the /data directory
# This should error out, so we check that the code is non-zero
check_code=lambda c: c != 0,
assert "must have read/execute access" in res.err
(("--user", str(os.getuid())), ("--user", str(os.getuid() + 1))),
def test_needs_rwx_on_packages(self, image: str, extra_args: tuple) -> None:
"""RWX permission is required on /data/packages."""
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
td_path = Path(tmpdir)
# Make the /data directory read/writable by anyone
# Add the /data/packages directory, and make it readable by anyone,
# but writable only by the owner
(td_path / "packages").mkdir(mode=0o444)
res = run(
# Mount the temporary directory as the /data directory
# We should error out in this case
check_code=lambda c: c != 0,
assert "must have read/write/execute access" in res.err
def test_runs_as_pypiserver_user(self, image: str) -> None:
"""Test that the default run uses the pypiserver user."""
host_port = get_socket()
res = run(
container_id = res.out.strip()
res = run(
proc_line = next(
# grab the process line for the pypi-server process
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
user = proc_line.split()[1]
# the ps command on these alpine containers doesn't always show the
# full user name, so we only check for the first bit
assert user.startswith("pypi")
run("docker", "container", "rm", "-f", container_id)
class ContainerInfo(t.NamedTuple):
"""Info about a running container"""
container_id: str
port: int
args: tuple
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
class TestBasics:
"""Test basic pypiserver functionality in a simple unauthed container."""
# We want to automatically parametrize this class' tests with a variety of
# pypiserver args, since it should work the same in all of these cases
# default (gunicorn) server with cached backend
# default (gunicorn) server with non-cached backend
("--backend", "simple-dir"),
# explicit gunicorn server with a non-cached backend
("--server", "gunicorn", "--backend", "simple-dir"),
# explicit gunicorn server
("--server", "gunicorn"),
# explicit waitress server
("--server", "wsgiref"),
# explicit wsgiref server
("--server", "wsgiref"),
def container(
self, request: pytest.FixtureRequest, image: str
) -> t.Iterator[ContainerInfo]:
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
"""Run the pypiserver container.
Returns the container ID.
port = get_socket()
args = (
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
res = run(*args, capture=True)
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
container_id = res.out.strip()
yield ContainerInfo(container_id, port, args)
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
run("docker", "container", "rm", "-f", container_id)
def upload_mypkg(
container: ContainerInfo,
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
mypkg_paths: t.Dict[str, Path],
) -> None:
"""Upload mypkg to the container."""
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
def test_download(self, container: ContainerInfo) -> None:
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
"""Download mypkg from the container."""
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
assert any(
"pypiserver_mypkg" in
for path in Path(tmpdir).iterdir()
@pytest.mark.usefixtures("upload_mypkg", "cleanup")
def test_install(self, container: ContainerInfo) -> None:
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
"""Install mypkg from the container.
Note this also ensures that name normalization is working,
since we are requesting the package name with a dash, rather
than an underscore.
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
run("python", "-c", "'import pypiserver_mypkg; mypkg.pkg_name()'")
def test_expected_server(self, container: ContainerInfo) -> None:
"""Ensure we run the server we think we're running."""
resp = httpx.get(f"http://localhost:{container.port}")
server = resp.headers["server"].lower()
arg_pairs = tuple(zip(container.args, container.args[1:]))
if (
container.args[-1] == "pypiserver:test"
or ("--server", "gunicorn") in arg_pairs
# We specified no overriding args, so we should run gunicorn, or
# we specified gunicorn in overriding args.
assert "gunicorn" in server
elif ("--server", "wsgiref") in arg_pairs:
# We explicitly specified the wsgiref server
assert "wsgiserver" in server
elif ("--server", "waitress") in arg_pairs:
# We explicitly specified the wsgiref server
assert "waitress" in server
# We overrode args, so instead of using the gunicorn default,
# we use the `auto` option. Bottle won't choose gunicorn as an
# auto server, so we have waitress installed in the docker container
# as a fallback for these scenarios, since wsgiref is not production
# ready
assert "waitress" in server
def test_welcome(self, container: ContainerInfo) -> None:
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
"""View the welcome page."""
resp = httpx.get(f"http://localhost:{container.port}")
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
assert resp.status_code == 200
assert "pypiserver" in resp.text
class TestAuthed:
"""Test basic pypiserver functionality in a simple unauthed container."""
HOST_PORT = get_socket()
def container(self, image: str) -> t.Iterator[str]:
"""Run the pypiserver container.
Returns the container ID.
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
dirpath = Path(tmpdir)
shutil.copy2(HTPASS_FILE, dirpath / "htpasswd")
pkg_path = dirpath / "packages"
res = run(
f"{dirpath / 'htpasswd'}:/data/htpasswd",
"download, update",
container_id = res.out.strip()
yield container_id
run("docker", "container", "rm", "-f", container_id)
def upload_mypkg(
container: str, # pylint: disable=unused-argument
mypkg_paths: t.Dict[str, Path],
) -> None:
"""Upload mypkg to the container."""
def test_upload_failed_auth(
container: str, # pylint: disable=unused-argument
mypkg_paths: t.Dict[str, Path],
) -> None:
"""Upload mypkg to the container."""
check_code=lambda c: c != 0,
def test_download(self) -> None:
"""Download mypkg from the container."""
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
assert any(
"pypiserver_mypkg" in
for path in Path(tmpdir).iterdir()
def test_download_failed_auth(self) -> None:
"""Download mypkg from the container."""
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
check_code=lambda c: c != 0,
@pytest.mark.usefixtures("upload_mypkg", "cleanup")
def test_install(self) -> None:
"""Install mypkg from the container.
Note this also ensures that name normalization is working,
since we are requesting the package name with a dash, rather
than an underscore.
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
run("python", "-c", "'import pypiserver_mypkg; mypkg.pkg_name()'")
@pytest.mark.usefixtures("upload_mypkg", "cleanup")
def test_install_failed_auth(self) -> None:
"""Install mypkg from the container.
Note this also ensures that name normalization is working,
since we are requesting the package name with a dash, rather
than an underscore.
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
Docker improvements (#365) * Docker improvements This addresses much of what was brought up in #359. Specifically, it: - Significantly improves testing for the Docker image, adding a `docker/` file using the regular pytest machinery to set up and run docker images for testing - Hopefully addresses a variety of permissions issues, by being explicit about what access pypiserver needs and asking for it, only erroring if that access is not available - Requires RX permissions on `/data` (R to read files, X to list files and to be able to cd into the directory. This is important since `/data` is the `WORKDIR`) - Requires RWX permissions on `/data/packages`, so that we can list packages, write packages, and read packages. - When running in the default configuration (as root on Linux or as the pypiserver-named rootish user on Mac), with no volumes mounted, these requirements are all satisfied - Volume mounts still must be readable by the pypiserver user (UID 9898) in order for the container to run. However, we now error early if this is not the case, and direct users to a useful issue. - If the container is run as a non-root, non-pypiserver user (e.g. because someone ran `docker run --user=<user_id>`, we try to run pypiserver as that user). Provided that user has access to the necessary directories, it should run fine. - Fixes issues with running help and similar commands - Updates the Docker image to use `PYPISERVER_PORT` for port specification, while still falling back to `PORT` for backwards compatibility - Moves some docker-related things into a `/docker` directory - Adds a `Makefile` for building a test fixture package sdist and wheel, so that test code can call `make mypkg` and not need to worry about it potentially building multiple times The only issue #359 raises that's not addressed here is the one of running pypiserver in the Docker container using some non-default server for performance. I would like to do some benchmarking before deciding on what to do there.
2021-02-06 18:28:15 +01:00
check_code=lambda c: c != 0,
def test_welcome(self) -> None:
"""View the welcome page."""
resp = httpx.get(f"http://localhost:{self.HOST_PORT}")
assert resp.status_code == 200
assert "pypiserver" in resp.text