- Add nsswitch.conf to configure LibC Name Service inside the container
- Change my email in the Dockerfile
- Update build script to install software as a `build-deps` virtual package so that adding a package to it will be automatically removed at the end of the build script
According to the docs [1], the Reply method must be called for all
requests where WantReply is true. This fixes a hanging java ssh
implementation (jsch) which sets WantReply flag and waits for reply from
the server.
[1] https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh#Request.Reply
Using this script:
1. Copy scripts/launchd/io.gogs.web.plist into /Library/LaunchDaemons
2. The script assumes Gogs is running under 'gogs' user and group, modify
/Library/LaunchDaemons/io.gogs.web.plist if you want to user different user.
3. The script assumes Gogs is installed in /Users/git/gogs, modify
/Library/LaunchDaemons/io.gogs.web.plist if you installed Gogs in different
4. Once you are sure that running Gogs manually via `gogs web` works fine, run
it as a launchd service with:
sudo launchctl load -F /Library/LaunchDaemons/io.gogs.web.plist
From now on launchd will ensure Gogs is running, eg. when system is restarted.
This is fixup for ea375c0dcca118c8ac3c48ba569b025836ad5ccf. The bug was not
visible because commit.RefUrl was always returning empty url due regression
described in https://github.com/gogits/git-module/pull/4
If the init script is called with `status`, the rc.subr(8) routines check if
the first argument associated with the pid in the pidfile is equal to
`procname`. By default, `procname` is equal to the value of `command`. In our
case, `command` contains a space (i.e. has multiple arguments), so `procname`
can never be equal to the first argument of the command associated with the
Set `procname` to the first argument of `command` to fix the `status` command
of the init script.