0 Distribution Working Group (August 26th)
Richard Scothern edited this page 2015-08-26 13:51:46 -07:00


Richard Scothern, Derek Mcgowan, Aaron Lehmann (Docker), Phil Estes (IBM), Andrew Goldstein, Vincent Batts (Redhat)


Cross Repository Mount

New personel, Shishir Mahajan. Discussion around sources file: limiting by size rather than date, not adding entries for 'mount's and more intelligent dependency tracking.


https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/15866 created to track progress on daemon and in distribution.

https://github.com/docker/distribution/pull/62 - needs to be distilled. Aaron taking over from Stephen along with one of his branches.

Daemon changes will be required for packing multiple manifests into one image, label pair.

Herschel working on IST (and thus not able to attend meetings) interested in UX changes.