346 lines
9.2 KiB
346 lines
9.2 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Aug 10 11:09:11 2018
@author: ninguem
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from zipfile import ZipFile
from google.protobuf.internal.decoder import _DecodeVarint32
from google.protobuf.internal.decoder import wire_format
from google.protobuf.internal.decoder import struct
import os
# General purpose functions
def debugPrint(str=''):
""" debugPrint
It is simply a wrapper to print that you can turn on or off in order to debug
the outputs of the program
def cumsum(dv, factor):
""" cumsum(dv, factor)
Function that returns the cummulative sum of an array
dv : array to be cumsummed
factor : factor to be used to divide the array (just to facilitate the specific
usage in this program)
res = [0]
for v in dv:
return [v/factor for v in res[1:]]
def plotXYLineData(xData, yData, lineData):
""" plotXYLineData(xData, yData, lineData)
Plots the object in the array of arrays xData, yData and lineData
xData : array with arrays of x coordinates
yData : array with arrays of y coordinates
lineData : array with arrays of lineWhidths
for x, y, lineWidth in zip(xData, yData, lineData):
plt.plot(x,[-y for y in y],'k', linewidth=(lineWidth**5)/20)
def XYLineDataToSVG(xData, yData, lineData):
""" XYLineDataToSVG(xData, yData, lineData)
Generates the SVG spline data for the array of arrays xData, yData and lineData
Currently it ignores the linewidth so it generates constant width paths
xData : array with arrays of x coordinates
yData : array with arrays of y coordinates
lineData : array with arrays of lineWhidths
TODO: Take linewidhts into consideration
svgStr = f''
minX = 10000
minY = 10000
maxX = -10000
maxY = -10000
for arrayX, arrayY in zip(xData, yData):
svgStr += f'<path stroke="black" fill="none" d="M{arrayX[0]},{arrayY[0]} '
for x, y, idx in zip(arrayX[1:], arrayY[1:], range(len(arrayX)-1)):
if idx%3 == 0:
svgStr = svgStr[:-1] + f' C'
svgStr += f'{x} {y},'
minX = x if minX>x else minX
minY = y if minY>y else minY
maxX = x if maxX<x else maxX
maxY = y if maxY<y else maxY
svgStr = svgStr[:-1] + '"/>\n'
svgWidth = maxX-minX
svgHeight = maxY-minY
svgStr = f'<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="{svgWidth}mm" height="{svgHeight}mm" viewBox="{minX} {minY} {maxX} {maxY}"> ' + svgStr + '</svg>'
return svgStr
# Protobuffer specific functions
def unzigzag(v):
""" unzigzag(v)
Function to convert an unsigned integer into a signed integer via zigzap
method. This is a format used in most protobuffer situations
v : array to unzigzag
r = -(v+1)/2 if not v%2 == 0 else v/2
return int(r)
def decodeVarintArray(strBytes):
""" decodeVarintArray(strBytes)
Decodes the array of bytes in the format Varint to signed integers.
Most protobuffer data comes in packages of varint type. This function "unpacks"
the array and returns an array of signed integers.
strBytes : array to unpack
values = []
nextPos = 0
while nextPos < len(strBytes):
value, nextPos = _DecodeVarint32(strBytes, nextPos)
return [unzigzag(v) for v in values]
# WILL format specific functions
def decodeMessagePacket(messageBytes):
""" decodeMessagePacket(messageBytes):
Decodes the message package in the WILL format and returns the vector of
location ponts x, y and the linewidths.
It assumes that the message is in the format specified in the WILL file format
form Wacom.
Future versions might break this code, since its based on the format from 2018.
messageBytes : message to decode
nextPos = 0
# startParameter [FLOAT]
# (varint header)
msgVarintIdentifier, nextPos = _DecodeVarint32(messageBytes, nextPos)
field, wireType = wire_format.UnpackTag(msgVarintIdentifier)
# value
startParameter =struct.unpack('f',messageBytes[nextPos:nextPos+4])[0]
nextPos += 4
debugPrint(f'field: {field}, wire type:{wireType}')
debugPrint(f'startParameter: {startParameter}')
# stopParameter [FLOAT]
# (varint header)
msgVarintIdentifier, nextPos = _DecodeVarint32(messageBytes, nextPos)
field, wireType = wire_format.UnpackTag(msgVarintIdentifier)
# value
stopParameter = struct.unpack('f',messageBytes[nextPos:nextPos+4])[0]
nextPos += 4
debugPrint(f'field: {field}, wire type:{wireType}')
debugPrint(f'stopParameter: {stopParameter}')
# decimalPrecision [VARIANT]
# (varint header)
msgVarintIdentifier, nextPos = _DecodeVarint32(messageBytes, nextPos)
field, wireType = wire_format.UnpackTag(msgVarintIdentifier)
# value
decimalPrecision, nextPos = _DecodeVarint32(messageBytes, nextPos)
debugPrint(f'field: {field}, wire type:{wireType}')
debugPrint(f'decimalPrecision: {decimalPrecision}')
# x,y sequence [BYTE STRING]
# (varint header)
msgVarintIdentifier, nextPos = _DecodeVarint32(messageBytes, nextPos)
field, wireType = wire_format.UnpackTag(msgVarintIdentifier)
# value
strLen, nextPos = _DecodeVarint32(messageBytes, nextPos)
xyBytes = messageBytes[nextPos:nextPos+strLen]
nextPos += strLen
xyList = decodeVarintArray(xyBytes)
dx = xyList[0::2]
dy = xyList[1::2]
factor = 10**decimalPrecision
x = cumsum(dx, factor)
y = cumsum(dy, factor)
debugPrint(f'field: {field}, wire type:{wireType}')
debugPrint(f'strLen: {strLen}')
debugPrint(f'x [{len(x)}]: {x[0:10]}...')
debugPrint(f'y [{len(y)}]: {y[0:10]}...')
# stroke width [BYTE STRING]
# (varint header)
msgVarintIdentifier, nextPos = _DecodeVarint32(messageBytes, nextPos)
field, wireType = wire_format.UnpackTag(msgVarintIdentifier)
# value
strLen, nextPos = _DecodeVarint32(messageBytes, nextPos)
strokeWidthBytes = messageBytes[nextPos:nextPos+strLen]
nextPos += strLen
strokeWidthList = decodeVarintArray(strokeWidthBytes)
strokeWidths = cumsum(strokeWidthList, 1.0)
debugPrint(f'field: {field}, wire type:{wireType}')
debugPrint(f'strLen: {strLen}')
debugPrint(f'strokeWidthList [{len(strokeWidths)}]: {strokeWidths[0:10]}...')
# color values [BYTE STRING]
# (varint header)
msgVarintIdentifier, nextPos = _DecodeVarint32(messageBytes, nextPos)
field, wireType = wire_format.UnpackTag(msgVarintIdentifier)
# value
strLen, nextPos = _DecodeVarint32(messageBytes, nextPos)
colorValuesBytes = messageBytes[nextPos:nextPos+strLen]
nextPos += strLen
colorValueList = decodeVarintArray(colorValuesBytes)
debugPrint(f'field: {field}, wire type:{wireType}')
debugPrint(f'strLen: {strLen}')
debugPrint(f'colorValueList [{len(colorValueList)}]: {colorValueList}')
lineWidth = 0.01*sum(strokeWidths)/len(strokeWidths)
#plt.plot(x,y,'k', linewidth=(lineWidth**5)/20)
return (x, y, lineWidth)
def processBuffer(buffer):
""" processBuffer(buffer)
Process each message packet in WILL format and return an array of arrays of
x,y, lineWidth values.
The buffer should be the paths.protobuf file in the WILL mini filesystem.
This function walks through each message packet and decodifies it, assembling
the array of vectors x, y and linewidth
buffer : Whole protobuffer read from the WILL file.
xData = []
yData = []
lineData = []
minX = 10000
maxX = -10000
minY = 10000
maxY = -10000
buffPos = 0
while buffPos < len(buffer):
messageLength, buffPos = _DecodeVarint32(buffer, buffPos)
messageBytes = buffer[buffPos:buffPos+messageLength]
buffPos += messageLength
#print(f'messageLength = {messageLength}')
(x, y, lineWidth) = decodeMessagePacket(messageBytes)
return (xData, yData, lineData)
def readWillProtobuff(inputFile):
""" readWillProtobuff(inputFile)
Reads the content of the paths.protobuf in the will filesystem at the file
It uncompresses the will file (yes, its a simple zip file) and reads the
content of the file at sections/media/paths.protobuf. It them returns the whole
bytes buffer
inputFile : string with the .will file.
return input_zip.read('sections/media/paths.protobuf')
if __name__=='__main__':
fileName = './WCM0007'
buffer = readWillProtobuff(fileName + '.will')
(xData, yData, lineData) = processBuffer(buffer)
plotXYLineData(xData, yData, lineData)
svgStr = XYLineDataToSVG(xData, yData, lineData)
with open(fileName + '.svg','wt') as f: