427 lines
11 KiB
427 lines
11 KiB
# pylint: disable-msg=W0611
"""info on truncation test"""
__revision__ = "0.0.1"
from win32defines import *
from win32functions import *
from ctypes import byref
from win32structures import RECT
def TruncationTest(windows):
"Actually do the test"
truncations = []
# for each of the windows in the dialog
for win in windows:
truncIdxs, truncStrings = FindTruncations(win)
isInRef = -1
# if there were any truncations for this control
if truncIdxs:
# now that we know there was at least one truncation
# check if the reference control has truncations
if win.ref:
isInRef = 0
refTruncIdxs, refTruncStrings = FindTruncations(win.ref)
if refTruncIdxs:
isInRef = 1
truncIdxs = ",".join([unicode(x) for x in truncIdxs])
truncStrings = '"%s"' % ",".join([unicode(x) for x in truncStrings])
"StringIndices": truncIdxs,
"Strings": truncStrings,
# return all the truncations
return truncations
def FindTruncations(ctrl):
truncIdxs = []
truncStrings = []
# for each of the titles this dialog
for idx, (text, rect, font, flags) in enumerate(GetTruncationInfo(ctrl)):
# skip if there is no text
if not text:
# get the minimum rectangle
minRect = GetMinimumRect(text, font, rect, flags)
# if the min rectangle is bigger than the rectangle of the
# object
if minRect.right > rect.right or \
minRect.bottom > rect.bottom:
# append the index and the rectangle to list of bug items
return truncIdxs, truncStrings
def GetMinimumRect(text, font, usableRect, drawFlags):
isTruncated = False
# try to create the font
# create a Display DC (compatible to the screen)
txtDC = CreateDC(u"DISPLAY", None, None, None )
hFontGUI = CreateFontIndirect(byref(font))
# Maybe we could not get the font or we got the system font
if not hFontGUI:
# So just get the default system font
hFontGUI = GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
# if we still don't have a font!
# ----- ie, we're on an antiquated OS, like NT 3.51
if not hFontGUI:
# ----- On Asian platforms, ANSI font won't show.
if GetSystemMetrics(SM_DBCSENABLED):
# ----- was...(SYSTEM_FONT)
hFontGUI = GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT)
# ----- was...(SYSTEM_FONT)
hFontGUI = GetStockObject(ANSI_VAR_FONT)
# put our font into the Device Context
SelectObject (txtDC, hFontGUI)
modifiedRect = RECT(usableRect)
# Now write the text to our DC with our font to get the
# rectangle that the text needs to fit in
DrawText (txtDC, # The DC
unicode(text), # The Title of the control
-1, # -1 because sTitle is NULL terminated
byref(modifiedRect), # The Rectangle to be calculated to
#truncCtrlData.drawTextFormat |
DT_CALCRECT | drawFlags)
#elif modifiedRect.right == usableRect.right and \
# modifiedRect.bottom == usableRect.bottom:
# print "Oh so you thought you were perfect!!!"
# Delete the font we created
# delete the Display context that we created
return modifiedRect
def ButtonTruncInfo(win):
"Return truncation data for buttons"
lineFormat = DT_SINGLELINE
widthAdj = 0
heightAdj = 0
# get the last byte of the style
buttonStyle = win.Style & 0xF
if win.HasStyle(BS_MULTILINE):
lineFormat = DT_WORDBREAK
if buttonStyle == BS_PUSHBUTTON:
heightAdj = 4
widthAdj = 5
elif win.HasStyle(BS_PUSHLIKE):
widthAdj = 3
heightAdj = 3 # 3
if win.HasStyle(BS_MULTILINE):
widthAdj = 9
heightAdj = 2 # 3
elif buttonStyle == BS_CHECKBOX or buttonStyle == BS_AUTOCHECKBOX:
widthAdj = 18
elif buttonStyle == BS_RADIOBUTTON or buttonStyle == BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON:
widthAdj = 19
elif buttonStyle == BS_GROUPBOX:
heightAdj = 4
widthAdj = 9
lineFormat = DT_SINGLELINE
if win.HasStyle(BS_BITMAP) or win.HasStyle(BS_ICON):
heightAdj = -9000
widthAdj = -9000
lineFormat = DT_WORDBREAK
newRect = win.ClientRects[0]
newRect.right -= widthAdj
newRect.bottom -= heightAdj
return [(win.Text, newRect, win.Font, lineFormat), ]
def ComboBoxTruncInfo(win):
"Return truncation data for comboboxes"
# canot wrap and never had a hotkey
if win.HasStyle(CBS_DROPDOWN) or win.HasStyle(CBS_DROPDOWNLIST):
widthAdj = 2#5
widthAdj = 3
truncData = []
for title in win.Texts:
newRect = win.ClientRects[0]
newRect.right -= widthAdj
truncData.append((title, newRect, win.Font, lineFormat))
#print title, newRect, win.Font, lineFormat
return truncData
def ComboLBoxTruncInfo(win):
"Return truncation data for comboboxes"
# canot wrap and never had a hotkey
truncData = []
for title in win.Texts:
newRect = win.ClientRects[0]
newRect.right -= 5
truncData.append((title, newRect, win.Font, lineFormat))
return truncData
def ListBoxTruncInfo(win):
"Return truncation data for listboxes"
# canot wrap and never had a hotkey
truncData = []
for title in win.Texts:
newRect = win.ClientRects[0]
newRect.right -= 2
newRect.bottom -= 1
truncData.append((title, newRect, win.Font, lineFormat))
return truncData
def StaticTruncInfo(win):
"Return truncation data for static controls"
lineFormat = DT_WORDBREAK
if win.HasStyle(SS_CENTERIMAGE) or \
win.HasStyle(SS_SIMPLE) or \
lineFormat = DT_SINGLELINE
if win.HasStyle(SS_NOPREFIX):
lineFormat |= DT_NOPREFIX
return [(win.Text, win.ClientRects[0], win.Font, lineFormat), ]
def EditTruncInfo(win):
"Return truncation data for static controls"
if not win.HasStyle(ES_MULTILINE):
lineFormat |= DT_SINGLELINE
return [(win.Text, win.ClientRects[0], win.Font, lineFormat), ]
def DialogTruncInfo(win):
"Return truncation data for dialog type windows"
# move it down more into range
newRect = win.ClientRects[0]
newRect.top += 5
newRect.left += 5
newRect.right -= 5
if win.HasStyle(WS_THICKFRAME):
newRect.top += 1
newRect.left += 1
newRect.right -= 1
# if it has the system menu but is a small caption
# then the only button it can have is the close button
if win.HasStyle(WS_SYSMENU) and (win.HasExStyle(WS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW) or
newRect.right -= 15
# all the rest only need to be considered if there is a system menu.
elif win.HasStyle(WS_SYSMENU):
buttons = []
# account for the close button
newRect.right -= 18
# account for Icon if it is not disabled
if not win.HasExStyle(WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME):
newRect.left += 19 # icon
# account for context sensitive help if set
if win.HasExStyle(WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP) and not ( \
win.HasStyle(WS_MAXIMIZEBOX) and win.HasStyle(WS_MINIMIZEBOX)):
newRect.right -= 17
# there is a bigger gap if the minimize box is there
if win.HasStyle(WS_MINIMIZEBOX) or win.HasStyle(WS_MAXIMIZEBOX) or \
newRect.right -= 3
# account for Maximize button (but skip if WS_GROUP is set
if win.HasStyle(WS_MINIMIZEBOX) or win.HasStyle(WS_MAXIMIZEBOX) or \
newRect.right -= 32
if buttons:
# space between first button and dialog edge
diff = 5
# space for each button
diff += len(buttons) * 16
# space between close and next button
if len(buttons) > 1:
diff += 2
# extra space between help and min buttons
if 'min' in buttons and 'help' in buttons:
diff += 4
return [(win.Text, newRect, win.Font, DT_SINGLELINE), ]
def StatusBarTruncInfo(win):
truncInfo = WindowTruncInfo(win)
for i, (title, rect, font, flag) in enumerate(truncInfo):
rect.bottom -= win.VertBorderWidth
if i == 0:
rect.right -= win.HorizBorderWidth
rect.right -= win.InterBorderWidth
return truncInfo
def HeaderTruncInfo(win):
truncInfo = WindowTruncInfo(win)
for i, (title, rect, font, flag) in enumerate(truncInfo):
rect.right -= 12
return truncInfo
def WindowTruncInfo(win):
matchedItems = []
for i, title in enumerate(win.Texts):
# Use the client rects for rectangles
if i < len(win.ClientRects):
rect = win.ClientRects[i]
# until we run out then just use the first 'main' client rectangle
rect = win.ClientRects[0]
# if we have fewer fonts than titles
if len(win.Fonts)-1 < i:
font = win.Font
font = win.Fonts[i]
# add the item
matchedItems.append((win.Texts[i], rect, font, DT_SINGLELINE))
return matchedItems
TruncInfo = {
"#32770" : DialogTruncInfo,
"ComboBox" : ComboBoxTruncInfo,
"ComboLBox" : ComboLBoxTruncInfo,
"ListBox" : ListBoxTruncInfo,
"Button" : ButtonTruncInfo,
"Edit": EditTruncInfo,
"Static" : StaticTruncInfo,
# "msctls_statusbar32" : StatusBarTruncInfo,
# "HSStatusBar" : StatusBarTruncInfo,
# "SysHeader32" : HeaderTruncInfo,
# "SysListView32" : ListViewTruncInfo,
#"SysTreeView32" :
def GetTruncationInfo(win):
"helper function to hide non special windows"
if win.Class in TruncInfo:
return TruncInfo[win.Class](win)
return WindowTruncInfo(win)