2006-01-31 19:11:05 +00:00

199 lines
6.7 KiB

#class ActionDialog(object):
# """ActionDialog wraps the dialog you are interacting with
# It provides support for finding controls using attribute access,
# item access and the _control(...) method.
# You can dump information from a dialgo to XML using the write_() method
# A screenshot of the dialog can be taken using the underlying wrapped
# HWND ie. my_action_dlg.wrapped_win.CaptureAsImage().save("dlg.png").
# This is only available if you have PIL installed (fails silently
# otherwise).
# """
# def __init__(self, hwnd, app = None, props = None):
# """Initialises an ActionDialog object
# ::
# hwnd (required) The handle of the dialog
# app An instance of an Application Object
# props future use (when we have an XML file for reference)
# """
# #self.wrapped_win = controlactions.add_actions(
# # controls.WrapHandle(hwnd))
# self.wrapped_win = controls.WrapHandle(hwnd)
# = app
# dlg_controls = [self.wrapped_win, ]
# dlg_controls.extend(self.wrapped_win.Children)
# def __getattr__(self, key):
# "Attribute access - defer to item access"
# return self[key]
# def __getitem__(self, attr):
# "find the control that best matches attr"
# # if it is an integer - just return the
# # child control at that index
# if isinstance(attr, (int, long)):
# return self.wrapped_win.Children[attr]
# # so it should be a string
# # check if it is an attribute of the wrapped win first
# try:
# return getattr(self.wrapped_win, attr)
# except (AttributeError, UnicodeEncodeError):
# pass
# # find the control that best matches our attribute
# ctrl = findbestmatch.find_best_control_match(
# attr, self.wrapped_win.Children)
# # add actions to the control and return it
# return ctrl
# def write_(self, filename):
# "Write the dialog an XML file (requires elementtree)"
# if and
# filename = os.path.join(, filename + ".xml")
# controls = [self.wrapped_win]
# controls.extend(self.wrapped_win.Children)
# props = [ctrl.GetProperties() for ctrl in controls]
# XMLHelpers.WriteDialogToFile(filename, props)
# def control_(self, **kwargs):
# "Find the control that matches the arguments and return it"
# # add the restriction for this particular process
# kwargs['parent'] = self.wrapped_win
# kwargs['process'] =
# kwargs['top_level_only'] = False
# # try and find the dialog (waiting for a max of 1 second
# ctrl = findwindows.find_window(**kwargs)
# #win = ActionDialog(win, self)
# return controls.WrapHandle(ctrl)
#def _WalkDialogControlAttribs(app, attr_path):
# "Try and resolve the dialog and 2nd attribute, return both"
# if len(attr_path) != 2:
# raise RuntimeError("Expecting only 2 items in the attribute path")
# # get items to select between
# # default options will filter hidden and disabled controls
# # and will default to top level windows only
# wins = findwindows.find_windows(process = app.process)
# # wrap each so that find_best_control_match works well
# wins = [controls.WrapHandle(win) for win in wins]
# # if an integer has been specified
# if isinstance(attr_path[0], (int, long)):
# dialogWin = wins[attr_path[0]]
# else:
# # try to find the item
# dialogWin = findbestmatch.find_best_control_match(attr_path[0], wins)
# # already wrapped
# dlg = ActionDialog(dialogWin, app)
# # for each of the other attributes ask the
# attr_value = dlg
# for attr in attr_path[1:]:
# try:
# attr_value = getattr(attr_value, attr)
# except UnicodeEncodeError:
# attr_value = attr_value[attr]
# return dlg, attr_value
#class _DynamicAttributes(object):
# "Class that builds attributes until they are ready to be resolved"
# def __init__(self, app):
# "Initialize the attributes"
# = app
# self.attr_path = []
# def __getattr__(self, attr):
# "Attribute access - defer to item access"
# return self[attr]
# def __getitem__(self, attr):
# "Item access[] for getting dialogs and controls from an application"
# # do something with this one
# # and return a copy of ourselves with some
# # data related to that attribute
# self.attr_path.append(attr)
# # if we have a lenght of 2 then we have either
# # dialog.attribute
# # or
# # dialog.control
# # so go ahead and resolve
# if len(self.attr_path) == 2:
# dlg, final = _wait_for_function_success(
# _WalkDialogControlAttribs,, self.attr_path)
# # seing as we may already have a reference to the dialog
# # we need to strip off the control so that our dialog
# # reference is not messed up
# self.attr_path = self.attr_path[:-1]
# return final
# # we didn't hit the limit so continue collecting the
# # next attribute in the chain
# return self
#def _wait_for_function_success(func, *args, **kwargs):
# """Retry the dialog up to timeout trying every time_interval seconds
# timeout defaults to 1 second
# time_interval defaults to .09 of a second """
# if kwargs.has_key('time_interval'):
# time_interval = kwargs['time_interval']
# del kwargs['time_interval']
# else:
# time_interval = window_retry_interval
# if kwargs.has_key('timeout'):
# timeout = kwargs['timeout']
# del kwargs['timeout']
# else:
# timeout = window_find_timeout
# # keep going until we either hit the return (success)
# # or an exception is raised (timeout)
# while 1:
# try:
# return func(*args, **kwargs)
# except:
# if timeout > 0:
# time.sleep (time_interval)
# timeout -= time_interval
# else:
# raise