76 lines
1.9 KiB
76 lines
1.9 KiB
import re
def TranslationTest(windows):
"Returns just one bug for each control"
bugs = []
for win in windows:
if not win.ref:
# get if any items are untranslated
untranTitles, untranIndices = GetUntranslations(win)
if untranTitles:
indicesAsString = ",".join([unicode(x) for x in untranIndices])
"StringIndices": indicesAsString,
"Strings": ('"%s"' % '","'.join(untranTitles))
return bugs
def GetUntranslations(win):
# remove ampersands and other non translatable bits from the string
nonTransChars = re.compile(
"""(\&(?!\&)| # ampersand not followed by an ampersand
\.\.\.$| # elipsis ...
^\s*| # leading whitespace
\s*$| # trailing whitespace
\s*:\s*$ # trailing colon (with/without whitespace)
)* # repeated as often as necessary
""", re.X)
# clean each of the loc titles for comparison
cleanedLocTitles = []
for title in win.Texts:
cleanedLocTitles.append(nonTransChars.sub("", title))
# clean each of the ref titles for comparison
cleanedRefTitles = []
for title in win.ref.Texts:
cleanedRefTitles.append(nonTransChars.sub("", title))
untranslatedTitles = []
untranslatedIndices = []
# loop over each of the cleaned loc title
for index, title in enumerate(cleanedLocTitles):
# if the title is empty just skip it
if not title:
# if that title is in the cleaned Ref Titles
if title in cleanedRefTitles:
# add this as one of the bugs
# return all the untranslated titles and thier indices
return untranslatedTitles, untranslatedIndices
TranslationTest.TestsMenus = True