0.1.3 Many changes, few visible ------------------------------------------------ 15-Jan-2006 * Wrote doc strings for all modules, classes and functions * Ran pychecker and pylint and fixed some errors/warning * changed :: _connect, _start, _window, _control, _write respectively to :: connect_, start_, window_, connect_, write_ If you forget to change ``_window``, ``_connect`` and ``_start`` then you will probably get the following error. :: TypeError: '_DynamicAttributes' object is not callable * pywinauto is now a package name - you need to import it or its modules * Changes to the code to deal with pywinauto package name * Fixed searching for windows if a Parent is passed in * Added Index to retrieved MenuItem dictionary * Added a check to ensure that a windows Handle is a valid window * Refactored some of the methods in common_controls * Refactored how FriendlyClassName is discovered (and still not really happy! 0.1.2 Add Readme and rollup various changes ------------------------------------------------ 15-Jan-2006 * Updated Readme (original readme was incorrect) * Added clipboard module * Fixed DrawOutline part of tests.__init__.print_bugs * Added a NotifyParent to HwndWrapper * Make sure that HwndWrapper.ref is initialized to None * Refactored some methods of ComboBox and ListBox * Updated Combo/ListBox selection methods * Removed hardcoded paths from test_application.py * Added section to save the document as UTF-8 in MinimalNotepadTest * Fixed EscapeSpecials and UnEscapeSpecials in XMLHelpers * Made sure that overly large bitmaps do not break XML writing 0.1.1 Minor bug fix release ------------------------------------------------ 12-Jan-2006 * Fixed some minor bugs discovered after release 0.1.0 Initial Release ------------------------------------------------ 6-Jan-2006