Lots of menu changes, some doc strings edited.
This commit is contained in:
@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ class InvalidWindowHandle(RuntimeError):
def WrapHandle(hwnd):
"""Wrap a window handle
:hwnd: the handle of the window to wrap
This is a simple wrapper around wraphandle.WrapHandle
that we need to have due to import cross dependencies."""
import wraphandle
@ -253,17 +255,23 @@ class HwndWrapper(object):
def IsDialog(self):
"Retrun true if the control is a top level window"
"Return true if the control is a top level window"
return handleprops.is_toplevel_window(self)
# define the Menu Property
def MenuItems(self):
"Return the menu items for the dialog"
"""Return the menu items for the dialog
If there are no menu items then return an empty list
if self.IsDialog():
menu_handle = win32functions.GetMenu(self)
self.SendMessage(win32defines.WM_INITMENU, menu_handle)
return _GetMenuItems(menu_handle, self)
return Menu(self, menu_handle).GetProperties()
#self.SendMessage(win32defines.WM_INITMENU, menu_handle)
#return _GetMenuItems(menu_handle, self)
return []
@ -279,7 +287,13 @@ class HwndWrapper(object):
def TopLevelParent(self):
"Return the top level window that is the parent of this control"
"""Return the top level window that is the parent of this control
The TopLevel parent is different from the parent in that the Parent
is the window that owns this window - but it may not be a dialog/main
window. For example most Comboboxes have an Edit. The ComboBox is the
parent of the Edit control.
if self.IsDialog():
return self
@ -297,7 +311,7 @@ class HwndWrapper(object):
def Texts(self):
"Return the text for each item of this control"
"""Return the text for each item of this control"""
texts = [self.WindowText(), ]
return texts
@ -344,7 +358,10 @@ class HwndWrapper(object):
def SendMessageTimeout(
self, message, wparam = 0 , lparam = 0, timeout = .4):
"Send a message to the control and wait for it to return or to timeout"
"""Send a message to the control and wait for it to return or to timeout
If no timeout is given then a default timeout of .4 will be used.
result = ctypes.c_long()
win32functions.SendMessageTimeout(self, message, wparam, lparam,
@ -355,7 +372,7 @@ class HwndWrapper(object):
def PostMessage(self, message, wparam = 0 , lparam = 0):
"Post a message to the control messagem queue and return"
"Post a message to the control message queue and return"
return win32functions.PostMessage(self, message, wparam, lparam)
#result = ctypes.c_long()
@ -487,7 +504,11 @@ class HwndWrapper(object):
def Click(
self, button = "left", pressed = "", coords = (0, 0), double = False):
"Peform a click action"
"""Send messages to the control to signify that it has been clicked
This method sends WM_* messages to the control, to do a more
'realistic' mouse click use ClickInput()
_perform_click(self, button, pressed, coords, double)
return self
@ -629,7 +650,12 @@ class HwndWrapper(object):
with_tabs = False,
with_newlines = False,
turn_off_numlock = True):
"Type keys to the window using SendKeys"
"""Type keys to the window using SendKeys
This uses the SendKeys python module from
http://www.rutherfurd.net/python/sendkeys/ .This is the best place
to find documentation on what to use for the ``keys``
@ -766,53 +792,60 @@ class HwndWrapper(object):
def ContextMenuSelect(self, path, x = None, y = None):
"TODO Not Implemented"
raise NotImplementedError(
"HwndWrapper.ContextMenuSelect not implemented yet")
def MenuSelect(self, path, items = None):
def _menu_handle(self):
"Simple Overridable method to get the menu handle"
return win32functions.GetMenu(self)
def MenuItem(self, path):
menu = Menu(self, self._menu_handle())
return menu.GetMenuPath(path)[-1]
def MenuClick(self, path):
"Select the menuitem specifed in path"
# if the menu items haven't been passed in then
# get them from the window
if not items:
items = self.MenuItems()
# get the text names from the menu items
item_texts = [item['Text'] for item in items]
menu = Menu(self, self._menu_handle())
# get the first part (and remainder)
parts = path.split("->", 1)
current_part = parts[0]
path_items = menu.GetMenuPath(path)
# find the item that best matches the current part
item = findbestmatch.find_best_match(current_part, item_texts, items)
for menu_item in path_items:
if not menu_item.IsEnabled():
raise MenuItemNotEnabled(
"MenuItem '%s' is disabled"% menu_item.Text())
# if there are more parts - then get the next level
if parts[1:]:
self.MenuSelect("->".join(parts[1:]), item['MenuItems'])
# unfortunately this is not always reliable :-(
if \
item['State'] & win32defines.MF_DISABLED or \
item['State'] & win32defines.MF_GRAYED:
raise MenuItemNotEnabled("MenuItem '%s' is disabled"% path)
#self.PostMessage(WM_MENURBUTTONUP, win32functions.GetMenu(self))
#self.PostMessage(WM_COMMAND, 0, item['ID'])
return self
def MenuSelect(self, path, ):
"Select the menuitem specifed in path"
menu = Menu(self, self._menu_handle())
path_items = menu.GetMenuPath(path)
if not path_items[-1].IsEnabled():
raise MenuItemNotEnabled(
"MenuItem '%s' is disabled"% path_items[-1].Text())
def MoveWindow(
@ -879,12 +912,58 @@ class HwndWrapper(object):
def SetFocus(self):
"Set the focus to this control"
# set the focus
## lock_timeout = ctypes.c_int()
## print win32functions.SystemParametersInfo(
## 0,
## ctypes.byref(lock_timeout),
## 0 #win32defines.SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE #|
## #win32defines.SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE)
## )
## print win32functions.SystemParametersInfo(
## 0,
## 0,
## win32defines.SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE
## )
# # get the foreground window
# foreground_win = WrapHandle(win32functions.GetForegroundWindow())
# print foreground_win.WindowText()
# # attach the Python process with the process that self is in
# win32functions.AttachThreadInput(
# win32functions.GetCurrentThreadId(),
# foreground_win.ProcessID(),
# 1)
# # set the focus
# print win32functions.SetActiveWindow(self)
# # dettach the Python process with the process that self is in
# win32functions.AttachThreadInput(
# win32functions.GetCurrentThreadId(),
# foreground_win.ProcessID(),
# 0)
# print win32functions.SystemParametersInfo(
# 0,
# ctypes.byref(lock_timeout),
# win32defines.SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE)
# make sure that we are idle before returning
return self
@ -895,7 +974,8 @@ def _perform_click_input(
coords = (None, None),
double = False,
button_down = True,
button_up = True):
button_up = True,
absolute = False):
"Peform a click action using SendInput"
events = []
@ -926,11 +1006,18 @@ def _perform_click_input(
if double and button_down and button_up:
events *= 2
coords = list(coords)
# set the default coordinates
if coords[0] is None:
coords[0] = ctrl.Rectangle().left
coords[0] = 0
if coords[1] is None:
coords[1] = ctrl.Rectangle().top
coords[1] = 0
if not absolute:
coords[0] = coords[0] + ctrl.Rectangle().left
coords[1] = coords[1] + ctrl.Rectangle().top
# set the cursor position
win32functions.SetCursorPos(coords[0], coords[1])
@ -949,6 +1036,8 @@ def _perform_click_input(
def _perform_click(
@ -1037,32 +1126,21 @@ def _calc_flags_and_coords(pressed, coords):
for key in pressed.split():
flags |= _mouse_flags[key.lower()]
click_point = win32functions.MakeLong(coords[0], coords[1])
click_point = win32functions.MakeLong(coords[1], coords[0])
return flags, click_point
class MenuItem(object):
def __init__(self, ctrl, menu, index, on_main_menu = False):
self.index = index
self.menuhandle = menu
self.ctrl = ctrl
self.on_main_menu = on_main_menu
# should really be in win32defines - I don't know why it isnt!
def _GetMenuItems(menu_handle, ctrl):
"Get the menu items as a list of dictionaries"
# If it doesn't have a real menu just return
if not win32functions.IsMenu(menu_handle):
return []
items = []
item_count = win32functions.GetMenuItemCount(menu_handle)
# for each menu item
for i in range(0, item_count):
item_prop = {}
# get the information on the menu Item
def _read_item(self):
menu_info = win32structures.MENUITEMINFOW()
menu_info.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof (menu_info)
menu_info.fMask = \
@ -1075,51 +1153,384 @@ def _GetMenuItems(menu_handle, ctrl):
ret = win32functions.GetMenuItemInfo (
menu_handle, i, True, ctypes.byref(menu_info))
if not ret:
raise ctypes.WinError()
item_prop['Index'] = i
item_prop['State'] = menu_info.fState
item_prop['Type'] = menu_info.fType
item_prop['ID'] = menu_info.wID
return menu_info
def Rectangle(self):
rect = win32structures.RECT()
if self.on_main_menu:
ctrl = self.ctrl
ctrl = 0
return rect
def Index(self):
return self.index
def State(self):
return self._read_item().fState
def ID(self):
return self._read_item().wID
def Type(self):
return self._read_item().fType
def Text(self):
info = self._read_item()
# if there is text
if menu_info.cch:
if info.cch:
# allocate a buffer
buffer_size = menu_info.cch+1
buffer_size = info.cch+1
text = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(buffer_size)
# update the structure and get the text info
menu_info.dwTypeData = ctypes.addressof(text)
menu_info.cch = buffer_size
info.dwTypeData = ctypes.addressof(text)
info.cch = buffer_size
win32functions.GetMenuItemInfo (
menu_handle, i, True, ctypes.byref(menu_info))
item_prop['Text'] = text.value
text = text.value
item_prop['Text'] = ""
text = ''
# if it's a sub menu then get it's items
if menu_info.hSubMenu:
# make sure that the app updates the menu if it need to
win32defines.WM_INITMENUPOPUP, menu_info.hSubMenu, i)
return text
# win32defines.WM_INITMENU, menu_info.hSubMenu, )
def SubMenu(self):
# get the sub menu items
sub_menu_items = _GetMenuItems(menu_info.hSubMenu, ctrl)
submenu_handle = self._read_item().hSubMenu
# append them
item_prop['MenuItems'] = sub_menu_items
if submenu_handle:
return Menu(self.ctrl, submenu_handle, False)
return items
return None
def IsEnabled(self):
return not (
self.State() & win32defines.MF_DISABLED or
self.State() & win32defines.MF_GRAYED)
def IsChecked(self):
return bool(self.State() & win32defines.MF_CHECKED)
def Click(self):
"""Click on the menu item
If the menu is open this it will click with the mouse on the item.
If the menu is not open
rect = self.Rectangle()
print rect
x_pt = (rect.left + rect.right) /2
y_pt = (rect.top + rect.bottom) /2
coords = (x_pt, y_pt),
absolute = True)
def Select(self):
"""Select the menu item
This will send a message to the parent window that the
item was picked"""
def GetProperties(self):
"""Return the properties for the item as a dict
If this item opens a sub menu then call Menu.GetProperties()
to return the list of items in the sub menu. This is avialable
under teh 'MenuItems' key
props = {}
props['Index'] = self.Index()
props['State'] = self.State()
props['Type'] = self.Type()
props['ID'] = self.ID()
props['Text'] = self.Text()
submenu = self.SubMenu()
if submenu:
props['MenuItems'] = submenu.GetProperties()
return props
def __repr__(self):
return "<MenuItem %s>" % `self.Text()`
# def Check(self):
# item = self._read_item()
# item.fMask = win32defines.MIIM_STATE
# item.fState &= win32defines.MF_CHECKED
## ret = win32functions.SetMenuItemInfo(
## self.menuhandle,
## self.ID(),
## 0, # by position
## ctypes.byref(item))
## if not ret:
## raise ctypes.WinError()
# print win32functions.CheckMenuItem(
# self.menuhandle,
# self.index,
# win32defines.MF_BYPOSITION | win32defines.MF_CHECKED)
# win32functions.DrawMenuBar(self.ctrl)
# def UnCheck(self):
# item = self._read_item()
# item.fMask = win32defines.MIIM_STATE
# item.fState &= win32defines.MF_UNCHECKED
# ret = win32functions.SetMenuItemInfo(
# self.menuhandle,
# self.ID(),
# 0, # by position
# ctypes.byref(item))
# if not ret:
# raise ctypes.WinError()
# win32functions.DrawMenuBar(self.ctrl)
class Menu(object):
def __init__(self, owner_ctrl, menuhandle, is_main_menu = True):
"""Initialize the class.
:owner_ctrl: is the Control that owns this menu
:menuhandle: is the menu handle of the menu
:is_main_menu: we have to track whether it is the main menu or a popup
self.ctrl = owner_ctrl
self.handle = menuhandle
self.is_main_menu = is_main_menu
if self.is_main_menu:
self.ctrl.SendMessage(win32defines.WM_INITMENU, self.handle)
def ItemCount(self):
"Return the count of items in this menu"
return win32functions.GetMenuItemCount(self.handle)
def Item(self, index):
"""Return a specific menu item
:index: is the 0 based index of the menu item you want
return MenuItem(self.ctrl, self.handle, index, self.is_main_menu)
def Items(self):
"Return a list of all the items in this menu"
items = []
for i in range(0, self.ItemCount()):
return items
def GetProperties(self):
"""Return the properties for the menu as a list of dictionaries
This method is actually recursive. It calls GetProperties() for each
of the items. If the item has a sub menu it will call this
GetProperties to get the sub menu items.
props = []
for item in self.Items():
return props
def GetMenuPath(self, path, path_items = None):
if path_items is None:
path_items = []
# get the text names from the menu items
item_texts = [item.Text() for item in self.Items()]
# get the first part (and remainder)
parts = path.split("->", 1)
current_part = parts[0]
# find the item that best matches the current part
best_item = findbestmatch.find_best_match(
# if there are more parts - then get the next level
if parts[1:]:
if best_item.SubMenu() is not None:
best_item.SubMenu().GetMenuPath("->".join(parts[1:]), path_items)
return path_items
def __repr__(self):
return "<Menu %d>" % self.handle
# def GetProperties(self):
# for i in range(0, self.ItemCount()):
# menu_info = self.Item(self, i)[0]
# item_prop['Index'] = i
# item_prop['State'] = menu_info.fState
# item_prop['Type'] = menu_info.fType
# item_prop['ID'] = menu_info.wID
# else:
# item_prop['Text'] = ""
# if self.IsSubMenu(i):
# item_prop['MenuItems'] = self.SubMenu(i).GetProperties()
# return item_prop
#def _GetMenuItems(menu_handle, ctrl):
# "Get the menu items as a list of dictionaries"
# # If it doesn't have a real menu just return
# if not win32functions.IsMenu(menu_handle):
# return []
# menu = Menu(ctrl, menu_handle)
# props = []
# for item in menu.Items():
# item_props = {}
# item_prop['Index'] = item.Index()
# item_prop['State'] = item.State()
# item_prop['Type'] = item.Type()
# item_prop['ID'] = item.ID()
# item_prop['Text'] = item.Text()
# props.append(item_props)
# items = []
# # for each menu item
# for i in range(0, item_count):
# item_prop = {}
# # get the information on the menu Item
# menu_info = win32structures.MENUITEMINFOW()
# menu_info.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof (menu_info)
# menu_info.fMask = \
# win32defines.MIIM_CHECKMARKS | \
# win32defines.MIIM_ID | \
# win32defines.MIIM_STATE | \
# win32defines.MIIM_SUBMENU | \
# win32defines.MIIM_TYPE #| \
# #MIIM_FTYPE #| \
# #MIIM_DATA | \
# ret = win32functions.GetMenuItemInfo (
# menu_handle, i, True, ctypes.byref(menu_info))
# if not ret:
# raise ctypes.WinError()
# # if there is text
# if menu_info.cch:
# # allocate a buffer
# buffer_size = menu_info.cch+1
# text = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(buffer_size)
# # update the structure and get the text info
# menu_info.dwTypeData = ctypes.addressof(text)
# menu_info.cch = buffer_size
# win32functions.GetMenuItemInfo (
# menu_handle, i, True, ctypes.byref(menu_info))
# item_prop['Text'] = text.value
# else:
# item_prop['Text'] = ""
# # if it's a sub menu then get it's items
# if menu_info.hSubMenu:
# # make sure that the app updates the menu if it need to
# ctrl.SendMessage(
# win32defines.WM_INITMENUPOPUP, menu_info.hSubMenu, i)
# #ctrl.SendMessage(
# # win32defines.WM_INITMENU, menu_info.hSubMenu, )
# # get the sub menu items
# sub_menu_items = _GetMenuItems(menu_info.hSubMenu, ctrl)
# # append them
# item_prop['MenuItems'] = sub_menu_items
# items.append(item_prop)
# return items
class _dummy_control(dict):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user