Added SendMessageTimeout and CloseClick

Also inserted calls to WaitGuiThreadIdle() as an extra safety measure
This commit is contained in:
markm 2006-01-26 22:18:27 +00:00
parent aa56c83bab
commit c1b963f8c0

@ -45,9 +45,11 @@ from pywinauto import win32structures
from pywinauto import findbestmatch
from pywinauto import handleprops
delay_after_click = 0#.1
delay_after_menuselect = .00
delay_after_sendkeys_key = .001
delay_after_click = 0.0 #5
delay_after_menuselect = 0#0.05
delay_after_sendkeys_key = .01
delay_after_button_click = 0#.1
delay_before_after_close_click = .2
class ControlNotEnabled(RuntimeError):
@ -108,6 +110,7 @@ class HwndWrapper(object):
"Default wrapper for controls"
friendlyclassname = ''
handle = None
def __init__(self, hwnd):
"Initialize the control"
@ -270,15 +273,40 @@ class HwndWrapper(object):
"Send a message to the control and wait for it to return"
return win32functions.SendMessage(self, message, wparam, lparam)
#result = ctypes.c_long()
#ret = win32functions.SendMessageTimeout(self, message, wparam, lparam,
# win32defines.SMTO_NORMAL, 400, ctypes.byref(result))
#return result.value
def SendMessageTimeout(self, message, wparam = 0 , lparam = 0, timeout = .4):
"Send a message to the control and wait for it to return or for timout to finish"
result = ctypes.c_long()
ret = win32functions.SendMessageTimeout(self, message, wparam, lparam,
win32defines.SMTO_NORMAL, int(timeout * 1000), ctypes.byref(result))
return result.value
def PostMessage(self, message, wparam = 0 , lparam = 0):
"Post a message to the control messagem queue and return"
return win32functions.PostMessage(self, message, wparam, lparam)
#result = ctypes.c_long()
#ret = win32functions.SendMessageTimeout(self, message, wparam, lparam,
# win32defines.SMTO_NORMAL, 400, ctypes.byref(result))
#return result.value
def NotifyMenuSelect(self, menu_id):
"Notify the dialog that one of it's menu items was selected"
return self.PostMessage(
return self.SendMessageTimeout(
win32functions.MakeLong(menu_id, 0),
@ -364,10 +392,11 @@ class HwndWrapper(object):
def VerifyActionable(self):
"Verify that the control is visible and enabled"
def VerifyEnabled(self):
"Verify that the control is enabled"
@ -403,20 +432,28 @@ class HwndWrapper(object):
"Peform a click action"
_perform_click(self, button, pressed, coords, double)
return self
#import time
#start = time.time()
#ret = win32functions.WaitForInputIdle(self.ProcessID, 10000)
#if ret == win32defines.WAIT_FAILED:
# raise ctypes.WinError()
def CloseClick(
self, button = "left", pressed = "", coords = (0, 0), double = False):
"Peform a click action that should make the window go away"
#msgs = win32functions.GetQueueStatus(win32defines.QS_ALLEVENTS)
#print win32functions.HiWord(msgs), win32functions.LoWord(msgs)
#print "waited", time.time() -start, self.Text
_perform_click(self, button, pressed, coords, double)
waited = 0
# verify that we have been passed in a valid windows handle
while win32functions.IsWindow(self.handle) and waited < 1.5:
waited += .1
return self
def DoubleClick(
self, button = "left", pressed = "", coords = (0, 0), double = True):
@ -452,7 +489,8 @@ class HwndWrapper(object):
"Move the mouse"
flags, click_point = _calc_flags_and_coords(pressed, coords)
self.PostMessage(win32defines.WM_MOUSEMOVE, flags, click_point)
self.SendMessageTimeout(win32defines.WM_MOUSEMOVE, flags, click_point)
return self
@ -482,6 +520,7 @@ class HwndWrapper(object):
text = ctypes.c_wchar_p(unicode(text))
self.PostMessage(win32defines.WM_SETTEXT, 0, text)
return self
@ -517,6 +556,7 @@ class HwndWrapper(object):
win32functions.GetCurrentThreadId(), self.ProcessID, 0)
return self
@ -641,37 +681,12 @@ class HwndWrapper(object):
#self.PostMessage(WM_COMMAND, 0, item['ID'])
return self
# #-----------------------------------------------------------
# def WaitEnabled(self, timeout = 1):
# "Wait until the control is active"
# waited = 0
# while not self.IsEnabled:
# if waited >= timeout :
# break
# time.sleep(.1)
# waited += .1
# if not self.IsEnabled:
# raise ControlNotEnabled()
# #-----------------------------------------------------------
# def WaitNotEnabled(self, timeout = 1):
# waited = 0
# while self.IsEnabled:
# if waited >= timeout :
# break
# time.sleep(.1)
# waited += .1
# if self.IsEnabled:
# raise ControlNotEnabled()
#def Close(self):
@ -694,11 +709,6 @@ def _perform_click(
if ctrl.Text == "&Printer...":
print button, coords, double, button_down, button_up
print ctrl.IsVisible
print ctrl.IsEnabled
# figure out the messages for click/press
msgs = []
if not double:
@ -747,19 +757,10 @@ def _perform_click(
# send each message
for msg in msgs:
ret = ctrl.PostMessage(msg, flags, click_point)
ret = ctrl.SendMessageTimeout(msg, flags, click_point)
# ask the control if it has finished processing teh message
hprocess = win32functions.OpenProcess(
start = time.time()
win32functions.WaitForInputIdle(hprocess, 1000)
print "waited", time.time() - start
#import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
# wait until the thread can accept another message
ret = win32functions.WaitGuiThreadIdle(ctrl)
# wait a certain(short) time after the click