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synced 2025-02-21 07:29:37 +01:00
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424 lines
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/* eslint-disable no-undef */
import buildDebug from 'debug';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import sanitzers from 'sanitize-filename';
import { Readable, Writable, addAbortSignal } from 'stream';
import { VerdaccioError, errorUtils, pluginUtils } from '@verdaccio/core';
import { readFileNext, unlockFileNext } from '@verdaccio/file-locking';
import { Logger, Manifest } from '@verdaccio/types';
import {
} from './fs';
export const fileExist = 'EEXISTS';
export const noSuchFile = 'ENOENT';
export const resourceNotAvailable = 'EAGAIN';
export const packageJSONFileName = 'package.json';
export type ILocalFSPackageManager = pluginUtils.StorageHandler & { path: string };
const debug = buildDebug('verdaccio:plugin:local-storage:local-fs');
export const fSError = function (message: string, code = 409): VerdaccioError {
const err: VerdaccioError = errorUtils.getCode(code, message);
// FIXME: we should return http-status codes here instead, future improvement
// @ts-ignore
err.code = message;
return err;
const tempFile = function (str): string {
return `${str}.tmp${String(Math.random()).slice(2)}`;
export async function renameTmp(src: string, dst: string): Promise<void> {
debug('rename %s to %s', src, dst);
try {
await renamePromise(src, dst);
} catch (err: any) {
debug('error rename %s error %s', src, err?.message);
await unlinkPromise(src);
export default class LocalFS implements ILocalFSPackageManager {
public path: string;
public logger: Logger;
public constructor(path: string, logger: Logger) {
this.path = path;
this.logger = logger;
* This function allows to update the package
* This function handle the update package logic, for this plugin
* we need to lock/unlock handlers for thread-safely and then apply
* the `handleUpdate` and return the result.
* The lock could fail on several steps so we need to ensure the
* file does not get locked if the whole process fails.
1. lock package.json for writing
2. read package.json
3. apply external update package handler
4. return manifest (write is being hanlded into the core)
5. rename package.json.tmp package.json
* @param {*} packageName
* The update package handler could be different based
* on the action and handled into the core.
* @param {*} handleUpdate
public async updatePackage(
packageName: string,
handleUpdate: (manifest: Manifest) => Promise<Manifest>
): Promise<Manifest> {
// this plugin lock files on write, we handle all possible scenarios
let locked = false;
let manifestUpdated: Manifest;
try {
const manifest = await this._lockAndReadJSON(packageJSONFileName);
locked = true;
manifestUpdated = await handleUpdate(manifest);
if (locked) {
debug('unlock %s', packageJSONFileName);
await this._unlockJSON(packageJSONFileName);
this.logger.debug({ packageName }, 'the package @{packageName} has been updated');
return manifestUpdated;
} else {
this.logger.debug({ packageName }, 'the package @{packageName} has been updated');
return manifestUpdated;
} catch (err: any) {
// we ensure lock the file
{ err, packageName },
'error @{err.message} on update package @{packageName}'
if (locked) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-catch
try {
await this._unlockJSON(packageJSONFileName);
// after unlock bubble up error.
throw err;
} catch (err: any) {
// unlock could fail, we bubble up error
throw errorUtils.getInternalError('resource temporarily unavailable');
} else {
if (err.code === resourceNotAvailable) {
throw errorUtils.getInternalError('resource temporarily unavailable');
} else if (err.code === noSuchFile) {
throw errorUtils.getNotFound();
} else {
throw err;
public async deletePackage(packageName: string): Promise<void> {
debug('delete a file/package %o', packageName);
return await unlinkPromise(this._getStorage(packageName));
public async removePackage(): Promise<void> {
debug('remove a package folder %o', this.path);
await rmdirPromise(this._getStorage('.'));
* Verify if the package exists already.
* @param name package name
* @returns
public async hasPackage(): Promise<boolean> {
const pathName: string = this._getStorage(packageJSONFileName);
try {
const stat = await statPromise(pathName);
return stat.isFile();
} catch (err: any) {
if (err.code === noSuchFile) {
debug('dir: %o does not exist %s', pathName, err?.code);
return false;
} else {
this.logger.error('error on verify a package exist %o', err);
throw errorUtils.getInternalError('error on verify a package exist');
* Create a package in the local storage, if package already exist fails.
* @param name package name
* @param manifest package manifest
public async createPackage(name: string, manifest: Manifest): Promise<void> {
debug('create a a new package %o', name);
const pathPackage = this._getStorage(packageJSONFileName);
try {
// https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v17.x/docs/api/fs.html#file-system-flags
// 'wx': Like 'w' but fails if the path exists
await openPromise(pathPackage, 'wx');
} catch (err: any) {
// cannot override a pacakge that already exist
if (err.code === 'EEXIST') {
debug('file %o cannot be created, it already exists: %o', name);
throw fSError(fileExist);
// Create a new file and it´s folder if does not exist previously
await this.writeFile(pathPackage, this._convertToString(manifest));
public async savePackage(name: string, value: Manifest): Promise<void> {
debug('save a package %o', name);
await this.writeFile(this._getStorage(packageJSONFileName), this._convertToString(value));
public async readPackage(name: string): Promise<Manifest> {
debug('read a package %o', name);
try {
const res = await this._readStorageFile(this._getStorage(packageJSONFileName));
const data: any = JSON.parse(res.toString('utf8'));
debug('read storage file %o has succeeded', name);
return data;
} catch (err: any) {
if (err.code !== noSuchFile) {
debug('parse error');
this.logger.error({ err, name }, 'error @{err.message} on parse @{name}');
throw err;
public async hasTarball(fileName: string): Promise<boolean> {
const pathName: string = this._getStorage(fileName);
return new Promise((resolve) => {
.then(() => {
.catch(() => resolve(false));
// remove the temporary file
private async removeTempFile(temporalName): Promise<void> {
debug('remove temporal file %o', temporalName);
await unlinkPromise(temporalName);
debug('removed temporal file %o', temporalName);
* Write a tarball into the storage
* @param fileName package name
* @param param1
* @returns
public async writeTarball(fileName: string, { signal }): Promise<Writable> {
debug('write a tarball %o', fileName);
const pathName: string = this._getStorage(fileName);
await this.checkCreateFolder(pathName);
// create a temporary file to avoid conflicts or prev corruption files
const temporalName = path.join(
`${fileName}.tmp-${String(Math.random()).replace(/^0\./, '')}`
debug('write a temporal name %o', temporalName);
let opened = false;
const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(temporalName);
writeStream.on('open', () => {
opened = true;
writeStream.on('error', async (err) => {
if (opened) {
{ err: err.message, fileName },
'error on open write tarball for @{pkgName}'
// TODO: maybe add .once
writeStream.on('close', async () => {
await this.removeTempFile(temporalName);
} else {
{ err: err.message, fileName },
'error a non open write tarball for @{pkgName}'
await this.removeTempFile(temporalName);
// the 'close' event is emitted when the stream and any of its
// underlying resources (a file descriptor, for example) have been closed.
// TODO: maybe add .once
writeStream.on('close', async () => {
try {
await renameTmp(temporalName, pathName);
} catch (err) {
{ err },
'error on rename temporal file, please report this is a bug @{err}'
// if upload is aborted, we clean up the temporal file
async () => {
if (opened) {
// close always happens, even if error
writeStream.once('close', async () => {
await this.removeTempFile(temporalName);
} else {
await this.removeTempFile(temporalName);
{ once: true }
return writeStream;
* Read a tarball from the storage
* @param tarballName tarball name eg: foo-1.0.0.tgz
* @param options {signal} abort signal
* @returns Readable stream
public async readTarball(tarballName: string, { signal }): Promise<Readable> {
const pathName: string = this._getStorage(tarballName);
debug('read a tarball %o', pathName);
const readStream = addAbortSignal(signal, fs.createReadStream(pathName));
readStream.on('open', async function (fileDescriptorId: number) {
// if abort, the descriptor is null
debug('file descriptor id %o', fileDescriptorId);
if (fileDescriptorId) {
const stats = await fstatPromise(fileDescriptorId);
debug('file size %o', stats.size);
readStream.emit('content-length', stats.size);
readStream.on('error', (error) => {
debug('not tarball found %o for %s message %s', pathName, tarballName, error.message);
return readStream;
private async _readStorageFile(name: string): Promise<any> {
debug('reading the file: %o', name);
try {
debug('reading the file: %o', name);
return await readFilePromise(name);
} catch (err: any) {
debug('error reading the file: %o with error %o', name, err.message);
throw err;
private _convertToString(value: Manifest): string {
return JSON.stringify(value);
public _getStorage(fileName = ''): string {
const storagePath: string = path.join(this.path, sanitzers(fileName));
debug('get storage %s', storagePath);
return storagePath;
private async writeTempFileAndRename(dest: string, fileContent: string): Promise<any> {
const tempFilePath = tempFile(dest);
try {
// write file on temp location
await this.checkCreateFolder(tempFilePath);
await writeFilePromise(tempFilePath, fileContent);
debug('creating a new file:: %o', dest);
// rename tmp file to original
await renameTmp(tempFilePath, dest);
} catch (err: any) {
debug('error on write the file: %o', dest);
throw err;
private async writeFile(destiny: string, fileContent: string): Promise<void> {
try {
await this.writeTempFileAndRename(destiny, fileContent);
debug('write file success %s', destiny);
} catch (err: any) {
if (err && err.code === noSuchFile) {
await this.checkCreateFolder(destiny);
// we try again create the temp file
debug('writing a temp file %s', destiny);
await this.writeTempFileAndRename(destiny, fileContent);
debug('write file success %s', destiny);
} else {
this.logger.error({ err: err.message }, 'error on write file @{err}');
throw err;
private async checkCreateFolder(pathName: string): Promise<void> {
// Check if folder exists and create it if not
const dir = path.dirname(pathName);
try {
await accessPromise(dir);
} catch (err: any) {
if (err.code === noSuchFile) {
debug('folder does not exist %o', dir);
await mkdirPromise(dir, { recursive: true });
debug('folder %o created', dir);
} else {
debug('error on check folder %o', dir);
throw err;
private async _lockAndReadJSON(name: string): Promise<Manifest> {
const fileName: string = this._getStorage(name);
debug('lock and read a file %o', fileName);
try {
const data = await readFileNext<Manifest>(fileName, {
lock: true,
parse: true,
return data;
} catch (err) {
this.logger.error({ err }, 'error on lock file @{err.message}');
debug('error on lock and read json for file: %o', name);
throw err;
private async _unlockJSON(name: string): Promise<void> {
await unlockFileNext(this._getStorage(name));