import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; export default function(server) { describe('npm adduser', () => { const user = String(Math.random()); const pass = String(Math.random()); beforeAll(function() { return server.auth(user, pass) .status(201) .body_ok(/user .* created/); }); test('should create new user', () => {}); test('should log in', () => { return server.auth(user, pass) .status(201) .body_ok(/you are authenticated as/); }); test('should not register more users', () => { return server.auth(String(Math.random()), String(Math.random())) .status(409) .body_error(/maximum amount of users reached/); }); }); describe('should adduser created with htpasswd', () => { const user = 'preexisting'; const pass = 'preexisting'; beforeAll(function() { return fs.appendFileSync( path.join(__dirname, '../store/test-storage', '.htpasswd'), 'preexisting:$apr1$4YSboUa9$yVKjE7.PxIOuK3M4D7VjX.' ); }); test('should log in', () => { return server.auth(user, pass) .status(201) .body_ok(/you are authenticated as/); }); }); }