unopinionate.js =============== Unopinionated front-end libraries The goal of this project is to create a shim that can be used in lieu of explicit dependencies for common but competing front-end JavaScript libraries. For instance, many projects depend on a selector library such as jQuery or Zepto but bundling or requiring a specific dependency means that those using a competing dependency will either need to include both or resort to something that uses their existing stack. Unopinionate looks for common libraries (e.g. jQuery, Zepto) that fill a specific roll (selector libraries). Instead of depending on the library explicitly, depend on unopionate.js to deliver whatever library the user chooses. ```javascript var $ = unopinionate.selector; ``` Unopinionate works with CommonJS and AMD as well: ```javascript //CommonJS var $ = require('unopinionate').selector; //AMD (RequireJS) require([ 'unopinionate' ], function(unopinionate) { var $ = unopinionate.selector; }); ``` This was inspired by the way Backbone.js handles selector libraries. Supported Libraries ------------------- - selector - jQuery - Zepto - Ender - template - Mustache - Handlebars More to come...pull requests welcome.