# @verdaccio/ui-theme ## 6.0.0-6-next.8 ### Minor Changes - 0da7031e: allow disable login on ui and endpoints To be able disable the login, set `login: false`, anything else would enable login. This flag will disable access via UI and web endpoints. ```yml web: title: verdaccio login: false ``` ## 6.0.0-6-next.7 ### Minor Changes - aecbd226: web: allow ui hide package managers on sidebar If there is a package manager of preference over others, you can define the package managers to be displayed on the detail page and sidebar, just define in the `config.yaml` and web section the list of package managers to be displayed. ``` web: title: Verdaccio sort_packages: asc primary_color: #cccccc pkgManagers: - pnpm - yarn # - npm ``` To disable all package managers, just define empty: ``` web: title: Verdaccio sort_packages: asc primary_color: #cccccc pkgManagers: ``` and the section would be hidden. ## 6.0.0-6-next.6 ### Patch Changes - 648575aa: Bug Fixes - fix escaped slash in namespaced packages #### Related tickets https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/2193 ## 5.0.0-alpha.5 ### Major Changes - e0b7c4ff: feat: flexible user interface generator **breaking change** The UI does not provide a pre-generated `index.html`, instead the server generates the body of the web application based in few parameters: - Webpack manifest - User configuration details It allows inject html tags, javascript and new CSS to make the page even more flexible. ### Web new properties for dynamic template The new set of properties are made in order allow inject _html_ and _JavaScript_ scripts within the template. This might be useful for scenarios like Google Analytics scripts or custom html in any part of the body. - metaScripts: html injected before close the `head` element. - scriptsBodyAfter: html injected before close the `body` element. - bodyAfter: html injected after _verdaccio_ JS scripts. ```yaml web: scriptsBodyAfter: - '' metaScripts: - '' - '' - '' bodyBefore: - '