/** * Dependencies component */ import React from 'react'; import { mount, shallow } from 'enzyme'; import Dependencies from '../../../../../src/webui/components/PackageSidebar/modules/Dependencies/index'; import { packageMeta } from '../store/packageMeta'; console.error = jest.fn(); describe(' : ', () => { it('should throw error for the required props', () => { mount(); expect(console.error).toBeCalled(); }); it('getter: should get dependencies from package meta', () => { const wrapper = mount(); const dependencies = wrapper.instance().dependencies; const result = { '@verdaccio/file-locking': '0.0.3', '@verdaccio/streams': '0.0.2', JSONStream: '^1.1.1', 'apache-md5': '^1.1.2', async: '^2.0.1', 'body-parser': '^1.15.0', bunyan: '^1.8.0', chalk: '^2.0.1', commander: '^2.11.0', compression: '1.6.2', cookies: '^0.7.0', cors: '^2.8.3', express: '4.15.3', global: '^4.3.2', handlebars: '4.0.5', 'http-errors': '^1.4.0', 'js-string-escape': '1.0.1', 'js-yaml': '^3.6.0', jsonwebtoken: '^7.4.1', lockfile: '^1.0.1', lodash: '4.17.4', lunr: '^0.7.0', marked: '0.3.6', mime: '^1.3.6', minimatch: '^3.0.2', mkdirp: '^0.5.1', pkginfo: '^0.4.0', request: '^2.72.0', semver: '^5.1.0', 'unix-crypt-td-js': '^1.0.0' }; expect(dependencies).toEqual(result); }); it('should load the package and match snapshot', () => { const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });