var crypto = require('crypto') , utils = require('./utils') , UError = require('./error').UserError , Logger = require('./logger') module.exports.validate_name = function validate_name(req, res, next, value, name) { if (utils.validate_name(req.params.package)) { req.params.package = String(req.params.package) next() } else { next(new UError({ status: 403, msg: 'invalid package name', })) } } = function media(expect) { return function(req, res, next) { if (req.headers['content-type'] !== expect) { next(new UError({ status: 415, msg: 'wrong content-type, expect: '+expect+', got: '+req.headers['content-type'], })) } else { next() } } } module.exports.expect_json = function expect_json(req, res, next) { if (!utils.is_object(req.body)) { return next({ status: 400, msg: 'can\'t parse incoming json', }) } next() } module.exports.basic_auth = function basic_auth(callback) { return function(req, res, _next) { function next(err) { // uncomment this to reject users with bad auth headers //return _next.apply(null, arguments) // swallow error, user remains unauthorized return _next() } var authorization = req.headers.authorization if (req.remoteUser != null) return next() if (authorization == null) return next() var parts = authorization.split(' ') if (parts.length !== 2) return next({ status: 400, msg: 'bad authorization header', }) var scheme = parts[0] , credentials = new Buffer(parts[1], 'base64').toString() , index = credentials.indexOf(':') if ('Basic' != scheme || index < 0) return next({ status: 400, msg: 'bad authorization header', }) var user = credentials.slice(0, index) , pass = credentials.slice(index + 1) if (callback(user, pass)) { req.remoteUser = user next() } else { next({ status: 403, msg: 'bad username/password, access denied', }) } } } // express doesn't do etags with requests <= 1024b // we use md5 here, it works well on 1k+ bytes, but sucks with fewer data // could improve performance using crc32 after benchmarks function md5sum(data) { return crypto.createHash('md5').update(data).digest('hex') } module.exports.log_and_etagify = function(req, res, next) { // logger req.log = Logger.logger.child({sub: 'in'}) var _auth = req.headers.authorization if (_auth) req.headers.authorization = ''{req: req, ip: req.ip}, '@{ip} requested \'@{req.method} @{req.url}\'') if (_auth) req.headers.authorization = _auth var bytesin = 0 req.on('data', function(chunk){ bytesin += chunk.length }) var _send = res.send res.send = function(body) { if (typeof(body) === 'string' || typeof(body) === 'object') { res.header('Content-type', 'application/json') if (typeof(body) === 'object' && body != null) { if (body.error) { res._sinopia_error = body.error } body = JSON.stringify(body, undefined, '\t') } // don't send etags with errors if (!res.statusCode || (res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode < 300)) { res.header('ETag', '"' + md5sum(body) + '"') } } else { // send(null), send(204), etc. } res.send = _send res.send(body) } var bytesout = 0 , _write = res.write res.write = function(buf) { bytesout += buf.length _write.apply(res, arguments) } function log() { var msg = '@{status}, user: @{user}, req: \'@{request.method} @{request.url}\'' if (res._sinopia_error) { msg += ', error: @{!error}' } else { msg += ', bytes: @{}/@{bytes.out}' } req.log.warn({ request: {method: req.method, url: req.url}, level: 35, // http user: req.user, status: res.statusCode, error: res._sinopia_error, bytes: { in: bytesin, out: bytesout, } }, msg) } req.on('close', function() { log(true) }) var _end = res.end res.end = function(buf) { if (buf) bytesout += buf.length _end.apply(res, arguments) log() } next() }