"Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given":"Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
"Browse Docs|no description given":"Browse Docs",
"Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given":"Ask questions about the documentation and project",
"Join the community|no description given":"Join the community",
"Find out what's new with this project|no description given":"Find out what's new with this project",
"Stay up to date|no description given":"Stay up to date",
"Need help?|no description given":"Need help?",
"This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader":"This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.",
"Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given":"Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
"You can follow and contact us on|no description given":"You can follow and contact us on",
"and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given":"and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at",
"If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given":"If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our",
"This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given":"This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.",
"Get Started|no description given":"Get Started",
"Contribute|no description given":"Contribute",
"That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given":"That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.",
"Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!|no description given":"Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!",
"**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given":"**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.",
"The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given":"The most popular npm clients are supported",
"We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given":"We have an official **Docker** image ready to use",
"and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given":"and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment",
"Making the DevOps work easy|no description given":"Making the DevOps work easy",
"Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given":"Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.",
"Who's Using This?|no description given":"Who's Using This?",
"This project is used by all these people|no description given":"This project is used by all these people",
"More|no description given":"More",
"Users|no description given":"Users",
"This project is used by many folks|no description given":"This project is used by many folks",
"Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given":"Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.",
"Add your company|no description given":"Add your company",
"Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project":"Help Translate",
"Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source":"Edit",
"Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs":"Translate"