There are many ways to extend `verdaccio`, currently we support `authentication plugins`, `middleware plugins` (since `v2.7.0`) and `storage plugins` since (`v3.x`).
This section will describe how it looks like a Verdaccio plugin in a ES5 way. Basically we have to return an object with a single method called `authenticate` that will recieve 3 arguments (`user, password, callback`). Once the authentication has been executed there is 2 options to give a response to `verdaccio`.
Middleware plugins have the capability to modify the API layer, either adding new endpoints or intercepting requests. A pretty good example of middleware plugin is the (sinopia-github-oauth)[]) compatible with `verdaccio`.
### API
function register_middlewares(expressApp, auth, storage) {
...more stuff
To register a middleware we need an object with a single method called `register_middlewares` that will recieve 3 arguments (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* is the authentification instance and *storage* is also the main Storage instance that will give you have access to all to the storage actions.
## Storage Plugins
Since `verdaccio@3.x` we also can plug a custom storage.
### API
The storage API is a bit more complex, you will need to create a class that return a `ILocalData` implementation. Please see details bellow.
> This API still is experimental and might change next minor versions. The default [LocalStorage plugin]( it comes built-in in `verdaccio` and it is being loaded if any storage plugin has been defined.