Basically we have to return an object with a single method called `authenticate` that will recieve 3 arguments (`user, password, callback`).
On each request, `authenticate` will be triggered and the plugin should return the credentials, if the `authenticate` fails, it will fallback to the `$anonymous` role by default.
> Only `adduser`, `allow_access`, `apiJWTmiddleware`, `allow_publish` and `allow_unpublish` are optional, verdaccio provide a fallback in all those cases.
`apiJWTmiddleware` was introduced on [PR#1227]( in order to have full control of the token handler, overriding this method will disable `login/adduser` support. We recommend don't implement this method unless is totally necessary. See a full example [here](
Verdaccio relies on `callback` functions at time of this writing. Each method should call the method and what you return is important, let's review how to do it.
The authentication service might fails, and you might want to reflect that in the user response, eg: service is unavailable.
import { getInternalError } from '@verdaccio/commons-api';
callback(getInternalError('something bad message), null);
> A failure on login is not the same as service error, if you want to notify user the credentails are wrong, just return `false` instead string of groups. The behaviour mostly depends of you.
* [verdaccio-bitbucket]( Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server]( Bitbucket Server authentication plugin for verdaccio.
* [verdaccio-ldap]( LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
* [verdaccio-active-directory]( Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
* [verdaccio-gitlab]( use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci]( Enable GitLab CI to authenticate against verdaccio.
* [verdaccio-htpasswd]( Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
* [verdaccio-github-oauth]( Github oauth authentication plugin for verdaccio.
* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui]( GitHub OAuth plugin for the verdaccio login button.
* [verdaccio-groupnames]( Plugin to handle dynamic group associations utilizing `$group` syntax. Works best with the ldap plugin.
* [verdaccio-sqlite]( SQLite Authentication plugin for Verdaccio