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#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Entrypoint for pypiserver."""
from __future__ import print_function
import getopt
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import textwrap
import functools as ft
log = logging.getLogger('pypiserver.main')
def init_logging(level=logging.NOTSET, frmt=None, filename=None, stream=sys.stderr, logger=None):
logger = logger or logging.getLogger()
formatter = logging.Formatter(frmt)
if len(logger.handlers) == 0 and stream is not None:
handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream)
if filename:
handler = logging.FileHandler(filename)
def usage():
return textwrap.dedent("""\
start PyPI compatible package server serving packages from
command line, it uses the default ~/packages. pypiserver scans this
directory recursively for packages. It skips packages and
directories starting with a dot. Multiple package directories can be
pypi-server understands the following options:
-p, --port PORT
Listen on port PORT (default: 8080).
-i, --interface INTERFACE
Listen on interface INTERFACE (default:, any interface).
-a, --authenticate (update|download|list), ...
Comma-separated list of (case-insensitive) actions to authenticate.
Requires to have set the password (-P option).
To password-protect package downloads (in addition to uploads) while
leaving listings public, use:
-P foo/htpasswd.txt -a update,download
To allow unauthorized access, use:
-P . -a .
Note that when uploads are not protected, the `register` command
is not necessary, but `~/.pypirc` still need username and password fields,
even if bogus.
By default, only 'update' is password-protected.
-P, --passwords PASSWORD_FILE
Use apache htpasswd file PASSWORD_FILE to set usernames & passwords when
authenticating certain actions (see -a option).
To allow unauthorized access, use:
-P . -a .
Disable redirect to real PyPI index for packages not found in the
local index.
--fallback-url FALLBACK_URL
For packages not found in the local index, this URL will be used to
redirect to (default: https://pypi.org/simple/).
--server METHOD
Use METHOD to run the server. Valid values include paste,
cherrypy, twisted, gunicorn, gevent, wsgiref, auto. The
default is to use "auto" which chooses one of paste, cherrypy,
twisted or wsgiref.
[deprecated] Serve packages from PACKAGES_DIRECTORY.
-o, --overwrite
Allow overwriting existing package files.
--hash-algo ALGO
Any `hashlib` available algo used as fragments on package links.
Set one of (0, no, off, false) to disabled it (default: md5).
--welcome HTML_FILE
Uses the ASCII contents of HTML_FILE as welcome message response.
Enable verbose logging; repeat for more verbosity.
--log-file FILE
Write logging info into this FILE, as well as to stdout or stderr, if configured.
--log-stream STREAM
Log messages to the specified STREAM. Valid values are "stdout", "stderr", or "none"
--log-frmt FORMAT
The logging format-string. (see `logging.LogRecord` class from standard python library)
[Default: %(asctime)s|%(name)s|%(levelname)s|%(thread)d|%(message)s]
--log-req-frmt FORMAT
A format-string selecting Http-Request properties to log; set to '%s' to see them all.
[Default: %(bottle.request)s]
--log-res-frmt FORMAT
A format-string selecting Http-Response properties to log; set to '%s' to see them all.
[Default: %(status)s]
--log-err-frmt FORMAT
A format-string selecting Http-Error properties to log; set to '%s' to see them all.
[Default: %(body)s: %(exception)s \n%(traceback)s]
--cache-control AGE
Add "Cache-Control: max-age=AGE, public" header to package downloads.
Pip 6+ needs this for caching.
pypi-server -h, --help
Show this help message.
pypi-server --version
Show pypi-server's version.
Update packages in PACKAGES_DIRECTORY. This command searches
pypi.org for updates and shows a pip command line which
updates the package.
The following additional options can be specified with -U:
Execute the pip commands instead of only showing them.
Download package updates to this directory. The default is to use
the directory which contains the latest version of the package to
be updated.
Allow updating to unstable version (alpha, beta, rc, dev versions).
--blacklist-file BLACKLIST_FILE
Don't update packages listed in this file (one package name per line,
without versions, '#' comments honored). This can be useful if you upload
private packages into pypiserver, but also keep a mirror of public
packages that you regularly update. Attempting to pull an update of
a private package from `pypi.org` might pose a security risk - e.g. a
malicious user might publish a higher version of the private package,
containing arbitrary code.
Visit https://pypi.org/project/pypiserver/ for more information.
def main(argv=None):
import pypiserver
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
command = "serve"
c = pypiserver.Configuration(**pypiserver.default_config())
update_dry_run = True
update_directory = None
update_stable_only = True
update_blacklist_file = None
opts, roots = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "i:p:a:r:d:P:Uuvxoh", [
except getopt.GetoptError:
err = sys.exc_info()[1]
sys.exit("usage error: %s" % (err,))
for k, v in opts:
if k in ("-p", "--port"):
c.port = int(v)
except Exception:
err = sys.exc_info()[1]
sys.exit("Invalid port(%r) due to: %s" % (v, err))
elif k in ("-a", "--authenticate"):
c.authenticated = [a.lower()
for a in re.split("[, ]+", v.strip(" ,"))
if a]
if c.authenticated == ['.']:
c.authenticated = []
actions = ("list", "download", "update")
for a in c.authenticated:
if a not in actions:
errmsg = "Action '%s' for option `%s` not one of %s!"
sys.exit(errmsg % (a, k, actions))
elif k in ("-i", "--interface"):
c.host = v
elif k in ("-r", "--root"):
elif k == "--disable-fallback":
c.redirect_to_fallback = False
elif k == "--fallback-url":
c.fallback_url = v
elif k == "--server":
c.server = v
elif k == "--welcome":
c.welcome_file = v
elif k == "--version":
print("pypiserver %s\n" % pypiserver.__version__)
elif k == "-U":
command = "update"
elif k == "-x":
update_dry_run = False
elif k == "-u":
update_stable_only = False
elif k == "-d":
update_directory = v
elif k == "--blacklist-file":
update_blacklist_file = v
elif k in ("-P", "--passwords"):
c.password_file = v
elif k in ("-o", "--overwrite"):
c.overwrite = True
elif k == "--hash-algo":
c.hash_algo = None if not pypiserver.str2bool(v, c.hash_algo) else v
elif k == "--log-file":
c.log_file = v
elif k == "--log-stream":
c.log_stream = v
elif k == "--log-frmt":
c.log_frmt = v
elif k == "--log-req-frmt":
c.log_req_frmt = v
elif k == "--log-res-frmt":
c.log_res_frmt = v
elif k == "--log-err-frmt":
c.log_err_frmt = v
elif k == "--cache-control":
c.cache_control = v
elif k == "-v":
c.verbosity += 1
elif k in ("-h", "--help"):
if (not c.authenticated and c.password_file != '.' or
c.authenticated and c.password_file == '.'):
auth_err = "When auth-ops-list is empty (-a=.), password-file (-P=%r) must also be empty ('.')!"
sys.exit(auth_err % c.password_file)
if len(roots) == 0:
roots=[os.path.abspath(x) for x in roots]
c.root = roots
logging.WARNING, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG, logging.NOTSET]
log_level=list(zip(verbose_levels, range(c.verbosity)))[-1][0]
valid_streams = {"none": None, "stderr": sys.stderr, "stdout": sys.stdout}
if c.log_stream not in valid_streams:
sys.exit("invalid log stream %s. choose one of %s" % (
c.log_stream, ", ".join(valid_streams.keys())))
if command == "update":
from pypiserver.manage import update_all_packages
roots, update_directory,
dry_run=update_dry_run, stable_only=update_stable_only,
# Fixes #49:
# The gevent server adapter needs to patch some
# modules BEFORE importing bottle!
if c.server and c.server.startswith('gevent'):
import gevent.monkey # @UnresolvedImport
from pypiserver import bottle
if c.server not in bottle.server_names:
sys.exit("unknown server %r. choose one of %s" % (
c.server, ", ".join(bottle.server_names.keys())))
bottle.debug(c.verbosity > 1)
bottle._stderr = ft.partial(pypiserver._logwrite,
logging.getLogger(bottle.__name__), logging.INFO)
app = pypiserver.app(**vars(c))
bottle.run(app=app, host=c.host, port=c.port, server=c.server)
if __name__ == "__main__":