mirror of https://github.com/pypiserver/pypiserver synced 2024-12-20 13:55:49 +01:00
Glenn 9edae77659
Feature/markdown conversion (#503)
* feat: markdown conversion

logo and badges

* feat: markdown conversion

fix logo path

* feat: markdown

table changes

* feat: markdown

table alignment

* feat: markdown

check toc

* feat: markdown

toc additions

* feat: markdown

quickstart section

* feat: dependabot

more details section in quick start

* feat: dependabot

correct bold

* feat: markdown

client side config, pip

* feat: markdown

typo in title

* feat: markdown

typo in configuring pip

* feat: markdown

apache like authentication section
an initial cut to view the markdown
in github

* feat: markdown

typo in markdown link

* feat: markdown

remove trailing colon

* feat: markdown

typo in shell markdown

* feat: markdown

standardize on 4 space indent in shell code block

* feat: markdown

complete markdown for section up to alternate installation methods

* feat: markdown

add more of the contents to test with

* feat: markdown


* feat: markdown


* feat: markdown


* feat: markdown
dquote> recipes

* feat: markdown
dquote> recipes

* feat: markdown
dquote> up to licensing

* feat: markdown
dquote> contents

* Update README.md

Missing exclamation mark

* Update README.md

missing link

* Update README.md

remove duplicated text

* Update README.md

bold differences it Table of contents

* Update README.md

additional bold changes in table of contents

* Update README.md

broken link

* Update README.md

typo in link fix

* Update README.md

change code block to text as shell highlighting was showing some items in red

* Update README.md

code block shell to text

* Update README.md

correct pypi-server update section

* feat: markdown
dquote> link back to TOC title

* Update README.md

change link to TOC title

* Update README.md

link test

* Update README.md

link update

* Update README.md

link update

* Update README.md

link update

* feat: markdown


* Update README.md

change the level of indent for uploading packages remotely

* Update README.md

add link to python-pam

* feat: markdown

apache link to TOC not working.

* Update README.md


* Update README.md

typo bold

* feat: markdown

undo bolded text in TOC and titles as linking does
not work

* feat: markdown

remove bold from TOC

* feat: feature

more link issues

* feat: markdown

fixing broken links

* feat: markdown

change text slightly as markdown only links to plain text

* feat: markdown


* feat: markdown

more link typos

* Update README.md

typo in link

* Update README.md

link will not work with braces in the titles

* feat: markdown

run mdformat and apply changes, :) lint!

* feat:  markdown

- check via mdformat
- remove old check script
- update test-requirements.txt

* feat: markdown

correct the errors in the mdformat run command

* feat: markdown

for testing remove all the actual jobs

* feat: markdown

re-run mdformat

* feat: markdown

put the jobs back in after testing the mdformat
cmd for passing and failing via workflow dispatch

* feat: markdown

remove references to README.md

* feat: markdown

change action to workflow dispatch for testing

* feat: markdown

- update docker igore
- alter unit test to look for version number after md changes

* feat: markdown

black linting

* feat: markdown

update comments

* feat: markdown

update bumpver to look at md rather than rst file

* feat: markdown

replace workflow dispatch with pull request
to get ready for the final PR

* feat: markdown-delete-original

delete the original rst file

* feat: markdown-delete-original

change ci to workflow dispatch for testing

* feat: markdown-delete-original

revert workflow dispatch

* feat: markdown-badge-links

set the links back to the original

* feat: markdown-badge-links

fix brackets

* feat: markdown

update the version and date

* feat: markdown conversion

markdown changes to conform to mdformat tooling.
2023-08-15 11:16:30 +02:00

86 lines
2.7 KiB

FROM python:3.8-alpine3.12 as base
# Copy the requirements & code and install them
# Do this in a separate image in a separate directory
# to not have all the build stuff in the final image
FROM base AS builder_gosu
RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps \
ca-certificates \
dpkg \
gnupg \
&& dpkgArch="$(dpkg --print-architecture | awk -F- '{ print $NF }')" \
&& wget -O /usr/local/bin/gosu https://github.com/tianon/gosu/releases/download/${GOSU_VERSION}/gosu-${dpkgArch} \
&& wget -O /usr/local/bin/gosu.asc https://github.com/tianon/gosu/releases/download/${GOSU_VERSION}/gosu-${dpkgArch}.asc \
# verify the signature
&& export GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)" \
&& gpg --batch --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org --recv-keys B42F6819007F00F88E364FD4036A9C25BF357DD4 \
&& gpg --batch --verify /usr/local/bin/gosu.asc /usr/local/bin/gosu \
&& command -v gpgconf && gpgconf --kill all || true \
&& rm -rf "$GNUPGHOME" /usr/local/bin/gosu.asc \
&& chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gosu \
# check installation
&& gosu --version \
&& gosu nobody true \
&& apk del --no-cache \
.build-deps \
&& rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* \
&& rm -rf /tmp/*
FROM base AS builder_dependencies
COPY docker/docker-requirements.txt .
# Install requirements
RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps \
build-base \
libffi-dev \
&& mkdir /install \
&& python -m pip install \
--no-warn-script-location \
--prefix=/install \
--requirement docker-requirements.txt
# Install pypiserver
# - do this separately from deps so that when developing, every change does not
# require reinstalling deps
COPY pypiserver pypiserver
COPY setup.cfg .
COPY setup.py .
RUN python -m pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix=/install .
FROM base
# Copy the libraries installed via pip
COPY --from=builder_dependencies /install /usr/local
COPY --from=builder_gosu /usr/local/bin/gosu /usr/local/bin/gosu
COPY docker/entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh
COPY docker/gunicorn.conf.py /data
# Use a consistent user and group ID so that linux users
# can create a corresponding system user and set permissions
# if desired.
RUN apk add bash \
&& rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* \
&& rm -rf /tmp/* \
&& addgroup -S -g 9898 pypiserver \
&& adduser -S -u 9898 -G pypiserver pypiserver --home /data\
&& mkdir -p /data/packages \
&& chmod +x /entrypoint.sh
VOLUME /data/packages
# PORT is deprecated. Please use PYPISERVER_PORT instead
# Flush logs immediately to stdout
ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint.sh"]