#! /usr/bin/env py.test """ Checks an actual pypi-server against various clients. The tests below are using 3 ways to startup pypi-servers: - "open": a per-module server instance without any authed operations, serving a single `wheel` package, on a fixed port. - "open": a per-module server instance with authed 'download/upload' operations, serving a single `wheel` package, on a fixed port. - "new_server": starting a new server with any configurations on each test. """ import contextlib import itertools import os import shutil import socket import re import sys import time import typing as t from collections import namedtuple from pathlib import Path from shlex import split from subprocess import Popen from urllib.error import URLError from urllib.request import urlopen import pytest # ###################################################################### # Fixtures & Helper Functions # ###################################################################### CURRENT_PATH = Path(__file__).parent ports = itertools.count(10000) Srv = namedtuple("Srv", ("port", "root")) @contextlib.contextmanager def run_server(root, authed=False, other_cli=""): """Run a server, optionally with partial auth enabled.""" htpasswd = ( CURRENT_PATH.joinpath("../fixtures/htpasswd.a.a").expanduser().resolve() ) pswd_opt_choices = { True: f"-P {htpasswd} -a update,download", False: "-P. -a.", "partial": f"-P {htpasswd} -a update", } pswd_opts = pswd_opt_choices[authed] port = next(ports) cmd = ( f"{sys.executable} -m pypiserver.__main__ " f"run -vvv --overwrite -i " f"-p {port} {pswd_opts} {other_cli} {root}" ) proc = Popen(cmd.split(), bufsize=2**16) srv = Srv(port, root) try: wait_until_ready(srv) assert proc.poll() is None yield srv finally: print(f"Killing {srv}") _kill_proc(proc) def wait_until_ready(srv: Srv, n_tries=10): for _ in range(n_tries): if is_ready(srv): return True time.sleep(0.5) raise TimeoutError def is_ready(srv: Srv): try: return urlopen(build_url(srv.port), timeout=0.5).getcode() in ( 200, 401, ) except (URLError, socket.timeout): return False def _kill_proc(proc): proc.terminate() try: proc.wait(timeout=1) finally: proc.kill() def build_url(port: t.Union[int, str], user: str = "", pswd: str = "") -> str: auth = f"{user}:{pswd}@" if user or pswd else "" return f"http://{auth}localhost:{port}" def run_setup_py(path: Path, arguments: str) -> int: return os.system(f"{sys.executable} {path / 'setup.py'} {arguments}") def run_py_build(srcdir: Path, flags: str) -> int: return os.system(f"{sys.executable} -m build {flags} {srcdir}") # A test-distribution to check if # bottle supports uploading 100's of packages, # see: https://github.com/pypiserver/pypiserver/issues/82 # # Has been run once `pip wheel .`, just to generate: # ./wheelhouse/centodeps-0.0.0-cp34-none-win_amd64.whl # SETUP_PY = """\ from setuptools import setup setup( name="centodeps", install_requires=["a==1.0"] * 200, options={ "bdist_wheel": {"universal": True}, }, packages=[], ) """ @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def project(tmp_path_factory): projdir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("project") / "centodeps" projdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) projdir.joinpath("setup.py").write_text(SETUP_PY) return projdir @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def server_root(tmp_path_factory): return tmp_path_factory.mktemp("root") @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def wheel_file(project, tmp_path_factory): distdir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("dist") if re.match("^3\.7", sys.version): assert run_setup_py(project, f"bdist_wheel -d {distdir}") == 0 else: assert ( run_py_build(project, f"--wheel --no-isolation --outdir {distdir}") == 0 ) wheels = list(distdir.glob("centodeps*.whl")) assert len(wheels) > 0 return wheels[0] @pytest.fixture() def hosted_wheel_file(wheel_file, server_root): dst = server_root / wheel_file.name shutil.copy(wheel_file, dst) yield dst if dst.is_file(): dst.unlink() def clear_directory(root: Path): for path in root.iterdir(): if path.is_file(): path.unlink() @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def _open_server(server_root): with run_server(server_root, authed=False) as srv: yield srv @pytest.fixture def open_server(_open_server: Srv): yield _open_server clear_directory(_open_server.root) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def _authed_server(server_root): with run_server(server_root, authed=True) as srv: yield srv @pytest.fixture def authed_server(_authed_server): yield _authed_server clear_directory(_authed_server.root) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def _partial_auth_server(server_root): with run_server(server_root, authed="partial") as srv: yield srv @pytest.fixture def partial_authed_server(_partial_auth_server): yield _partial_auth_server clear_directory(_partial_auth_server.root) @pytest.fixture def empty_packdir(tmp_path_factory): return tmp_path_factory.mktemp("dists") def pip_download( cmd: str, port: t.Union[int, str], install_dir: str, user: str = None, pswd: str = None, ) -> int: url = build_url(port, user, pswd) return _run_pip(f"-vv download -d {install_dir} -i {url} {cmd}") def _run_pip(cmd: str) -> int: ncmd = ( "pip --no-cache-dir --disable-pip-version-check " f"--retries 0 --timeout 5 --no-input {cmd}" ) print(f"PIP: {ncmd}") proc = Popen(split(ncmd)) proc.communicate() return proc.returncode @pytest.fixture def pipdir(tmp_path_factory): return tmp_path_factory.mktemp("pip") @contextlib.contextmanager def pypirc_file(repo, username="''", password="''"): pypirc_path = Path.home() / ".pypirc" old_pypirc = pypirc_path.read_text() if pypirc_path.is_file() else None pypirc_path.write_text( "\n".join( ( "[distutils]", "index-servers: test", "", "[test]", f"repository: {repo}", f"username: {username}", f"password: {password}", ) ) ) try: yield pypirc_path finally: if old_pypirc: pypirc_path.write_text(old_pypirc) else: pypirc_path.unlink() @pytest.fixture def open_pypirc(open_server): with pypirc_file(repo=build_url(open_server.port)) as path: yield path @pytest.fixture def authed_pypirc(authed_server): username, password = "a", "a" with pypirc_file( repo=build_url(authed_server.port), username=username, password=password, ) as path: yield path def run_twine(command: str, package: str, conf: str) -> None: proc = Popen( split( f"twine {command} --repository test --config-file {conf} {package}" ) ) proc.communicate() assert not proc.returncode, f"Twine {command} failed. See stdout/err" # ###################################################################### # Tests # ###################################################################### all_servers = [ ("open_server", "open_pypirc"), ("authed_server", "authed_pypirc"), ("partial_authed_server", "authed_pypirc"), ] def test_pip_install_package_not_found(open_server, pipdir): assert pip_download("centodeps", open_server.port, pipdir) != 0 assert not list(pipdir.iterdir()) def test_pip_install_open_succeeds(open_server, hosted_wheel_file, pipdir): assert pip_download("centodeps", open_server.port, pipdir) == 0 assert pipdir.joinpath(hosted_wheel_file.name).is_file() @pytest.mark.usefixtures("wheel_file") def test_pip_install_authed_fails(authed_server, pipdir): assert pip_download("centodeps", authed_server.port, pipdir) != 0 assert not list(pipdir.iterdir()) def test_pip_install_authed_succeeds(authed_server, hosted_wheel_file, pipdir): assert ( pip_download( "centodeps", authed_server.port, pipdir, user="a", pswd="a" ) == 0 ) assert pipdir.joinpath(hosted_wheel_file.name).is_file() def test_partial_authed_open_download(partial_authed_server): """Validate that partial auth still allows downloads.""" url = build_url(partial_authed_server.port) + "/simple" resp = urlopen(url) assert resp.getcode() == 200 @pytest.mark.parametrize("hash_algo", ("md5", "sha256", "sha512")) @pytest.mark.usefixtures("hosted_wheel_file") def test_hash_algos(server_root, pipdir, hash_algo): """Test twine upload with no authentication""" with run_server( server_root, other_cli="--hash-algo {}".format(hash_algo) ) as srv: assert pip_download("centodeps", srv.port, pipdir) == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize(["server_fixture", "pypirc_fixture"], all_servers) def test_twine_upload( server_fixture, pypirc_fixture, server_root, wheel_file, request ): """Test twine upload with no authentication""" assert len(list(server_root.iterdir())) == 0 request.getfixturevalue(server_fixture) pypirc = request.getfixturevalue(pypirc_fixture) run_twine("upload", wheel_file, conf=pypirc) assert len(list(server_root.iterdir())) == 1 assert server_root.joinpath(wheel_file.name).is_file(), ( wheel_file.name, list(server_root.iterdir()), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize(["server_fixture", "pypirc_fixture"], all_servers) def test_twine_register(server_fixture, pypirc_fixture, wheel_file, request): """Test unauthenticated twine registration""" request.getfixturevalue(server_fixture) pypirc = request.getfixturevalue(pypirc_fixture) run_twine("register", wheel_file, conf=pypirc)