#! /usr/bin/env py.test """ Checks an actual pypi-server against various clients. The tests below are using 3 ways to startup pypi-servers: - "open": a per-module server instance without any authed operations, serving a single `wheel` package, on a fixed port. - "open": a per-module server instance with authed 'download/upload' operations, serving a single `wheel` package, on a fixed port. - "new_server": starting a new server with any configurations on each test. """ from __future__ import print_function from collections import namedtuple import contextlib import functools import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time from pathlib import Path from shlex import split from subprocess import Popen from textwrap import dedent try: from urllib.request import urlopen except ImportError: from urllib import urlopen from py import path # @UnresolvedImport import pytest # ###################################################################### # Fixtures & Helper Functions # ###################################################################### _BUFF_SIZE = 2 ** 16 _port = 8090 SLEEP_AFTER_SRV = 3 # sec @pytest.fixture def port(): global _port _port += 1 return _port Srv = namedtuple("Srv", ("proc", "port", "package")) def _run_server(packdir, port, authed, other_cli=""): """Run a server, optionally with partial auth enabled.""" pswd_opt_choices = { True: "-Ptests/htpasswd.a.a -a update,download", False: "-P. -a.", "partial": "-Ptests/htpasswd.a.a -a update", } pswd_opts = pswd_opt_choices[authed] cmd = ( f"{sys.executable} -m pypiserver.__main__ -vvv --overwrite -i " f"-p {port} {pswd_opts} {other_cli} {packdir}" ) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), bufsize=_BUFF_SIZE) time.sleep(SLEEP_AFTER_SRV) assert proc.poll() is None return Srv(proc, int(port), packdir) def _kill_server(srv): print(f"Killing {srv}") try: srv.proc.terminate() time.sleep(1) finally: srv.proc.kill() @contextlib.contextmanager def new_server(packdir, port, authed=False, other_cli=""): srv = _run_server(packdir, port, authed=authed, other_cli=other_cli) try: yield srv finally: _kill_server(srv) @contextlib.contextmanager def chdir(d): old_d = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(d) yield finally: os.chdir(old_d) def _run_python(cmd): return os.system(f"{sys.executable} {cmd}") @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def project(request): def fin(): tmpdir.remove(True) tmpdir = path.local(tempfile.mkdtemp()) request.addfinalizer(fin) src_setup_py = path.local().join("tests", "centodeps-setup.py") assert src_setup_py.check() projdir = tmpdir.join("centodeps") projdir.mkdir() dst_setup_py = projdir.join("setup.py") src_setup_py.copy(dst_setup_py) assert dst_setup_py.check() return projdir @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def package(project, request): with chdir(project.strpath): cmd = "setup.py bdist_wheel" assert _run_python(cmd) == 0 pkgs = list(project.join("dist").visit("centodeps*.whl")) assert len(pkgs) == 1 pkg = path.local(pkgs[0]) assert pkg.check() return pkg @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def packdir(package): return package.dirpath() open_port = 8081 @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def open_server(packdir, request): srv = _run_server(packdir, open_port, authed=False) fin = functools.partial(_kill_server, srv) request.addfinalizer(fin) return srv protected_port = 8082 @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def protected_server(packdir, request): srv = _run_server(packdir, protected_port, authed=True) fin = functools.partial(_kill_server, srv) request.addfinalizer(fin) return srv @pytest.fixture def empty_packdir(tmpdir): return tmpdir.mkdir("dists") def _build_url(port, user="", pswd=""): auth = f"{user}:{pswd}@" if user or pswd else "" return f"http://{auth}localhost:{port}" def _run_pip(cmd): ncmd = ( "pip --no-cache-dir --disable-pip-version-check " f"--retries 0 --timeout 5 --no-input {cmd}" ) print(f"PIP: {ncmd}") proc = Popen(split(ncmd)) proc.communicate() return proc.returncode def _run_pip_install(cmd, port, install_dir, user=None, pswd=None): url = _build_url(port, user, pswd) return _run_pip(f"-vv download -d {install_dir} -i {url} {cmd}") @pytest.fixture def pipdir(tmpdir): return tmpdir.mkdir("pip") @contextlib.contextmanager def pypirc_tmpfile(port, user, password): """Create a temporary pypirc file.""" fd, filepath = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) Path(filepath).write_text( "\n".join( ( "[distutils]", "index-servers: test", "" "[test]", f"repository: {_build_url(port)}", f"username: {user}", f"password: {password}", ) ) ) print(Path(filepath).read_text()) yield filepath os.remove(filepath) @contextlib.contextmanager def pypirc_file(txt): pypirc_path = path.local("~/.pypirc", expanduser=1) old_pypirc = pypirc_path.read() if pypirc_path.check() else None pypirc_path.write(txt) try: yield finally: if old_pypirc: pypirc_path.write(old_pypirc) else: pypirc_path.remove() def twine_upload( packages, repository="test", conf="pypirc", expect_failure=False ): """Call 'twine upload' with appropriate arguments""" proc = Popen( ( "twine", "upload", "--repository", repository, "--config-file", conf, " ".join(packages), ) ) proc.communicate() if not expect_failure and proc.returncode: assert False, "Twine upload failed. See stdout/err" def twine_register( packages, repository="test", conf="pypirc", expect_failure=False ): """Call 'twine register' with appropriate args""" proc = Popen( ( "twine", "register", "--repository", repository, "--config-file", conf, " ".join(packages), ) ) proc.communicate() if not expect_failure and proc.returncode: assert False, "Twine register failed. See stdout/err" # ###################################################################### # Tests # ###################################################################### def test_pipInstall_packageNotFound(empty_packdir, port, pipdir, package): with new_server(empty_packdir, port): cmd = "centodeps" assert _run_pip_install(cmd, port, pipdir) != 0 assert not pipdir.listdir() def test_pipInstall_openOk(open_server, package, pipdir): cmd = "centodeps" assert _run_pip_install(cmd, open_server.port, pipdir) == 0 assert pipdir.join(package.basename).check() def test_pipInstall_authedFails(protected_server, pipdir): cmd = "centodeps" assert _run_pip_install(cmd, protected_server.port, pipdir) != 0 assert not pipdir.listdir() def test_pipInstall_authedOk(protected_server, package, pipdir): cmd = "centodeps" assert ( _run_pip_install(cmd, protected_server.port, pipdir, user="a", pswd="a") == 0 ) assert pipdir.join(package.basename).check() @pytest.mark.parametrize("pkg_frmt", ["bdist", "bdist_wheel"]) def test_setuptoolsUpload_open(empty_packdir, port, project, package, pkg_frmt): url = _build_url(port, None, None) with pypirc_file( dedent( f"""\ [distutils] index-servers: test [test] repository: {url} username: '' password: '' """ ) ): with new_server(empty_packdir, port): with chdir(project.strpath): cmd = f"setup.py -vvv {pkg_frmt} upload -r {url}" for i in range(5): print(f"++Attempt #{i}") assert _run_python(cmd) == 0 time.sleep(SLEEP_AFTER_SRV) assert len(empty_packdir.listdir()) == 1 @pytest.mark.parametrize("pkg_frmt", ["bdist", "bdist_wheel"]) def test_setuptoolsUpload_authed( empty_packdir, port, project, package, pkg_frmt, monkeypatch ): url = _build_url(port) with pypirc_file( dedent( f"""\ [distutils] index-servers: test [test] repository: {url} username: a password: a """ ) ): with new_server(empty_packdir, port, authed=True): with chdir(project.strpath): cmd = ( f"setup.py -vvv {pkg_frmt} register -r test upload -r test" ) for i in range(5): print(f"++Attempt #{i}") assert _run_python(cmd) == 0 time.sleep(SLEEP_AFTER_SRV) assert len(empty_packdir.listdir()) == 1 @pytest.mark.parametrize("pkg_frmt", ["bdist", "bdist_wheel"]) def test_setuptools_upload_partial_authed( empty_packdir, port, project, pkg_frmt ): """Test uploading a package with setuptools with partial auth.""" url = _build_url(port) with pypirc_file( dedent( f"""\ [distutils] index-servers: test [test] repository: {url} username: a password: a """ ) ): with new_server(empty_packdir, port, authed="partial"): with chdir(project.strpath): cmd = ( f"setup.py -vvv {pkg_frmt} register -r test upload -r test" ) for i in range(5): print(f"++Attempt #{i}") assert _run_python(cmd) == 0 time.sleep(SLEEP_AFTER_SRV) assert len(empty_packdir.listdir()) == 1 def test_partial_authed_open_download(empty_packdir, port): """Validate that partial auth still allows downloads.""" url = _build_url(port) + "/simple" with new_server(empty_packdir, port, authed="partial"): resp = urlopen(url) assert resp.getcode() == 200 def test_twine_upload_open(empty_packdir, port, package): """Test twine upload with no authentication""" user, pswd = "foo", "bar" with new_server(empty_packdir, port): with pypirc_tmpfile(port, user, pswd) as rcfile: twine_upload([package.strpath], repository="test", conf=rcfile) time.sleep(SLEEP_AFTER_SRV) assert len(empty_packdir.listdir()) == 1 @pytest.mark.parametrize("hash_algo", ("md5", "sha256", "sha512")) def test_hash_algos(empty_packdir, port, package, pipdir, hash_algo): """Test twine upload with no authentication""" user, pswd = "foo", "bar" with new_server( empty_packdir, port, other_cli="--hash-algo {}".format(hash_algo) ): with pypirc_tmpfile(port, user, pswd) as rcfile: twine_upload([package.strpath], repository="test", conf=rcfile) time.sleep(SLEEP_AFTER_SRV) assert _run_pip_install("centodeps", port, pipdir) == 0 def test_twine_upload_authed(empty_packdir, port, package): """Test authenticated twine upload""" user, pswd = "a", "a" with new_server(empty_packdir, port, authed=False): with pypirc_tmpfile(port, user, pswd) as rcfile: twine_upload([package.strpath], repository="test", conf=rcfile) time.sleep(SLEEP_AFTER_SRV) assert len(empty_packdir.listdir()) == 1 assert empty_packdir.join(package.basename).check(), ( package.basename, empty_packdir.listdir(), ) def test_twine_upload_partial_authed(empty_packdir, port, package): """Test partially authenticated twine upload""" user, pswd = "a", "a" with new_server(empty_packdir, port, authed="partial"): with pypirc_tmpfile(port, user, pswd) as rcfile: twine_upload([package.strpath], repository="test", conf=rcfile) time.sleep(SLEEP_AFTER_SRV) assert len(empty_packdir.listdir()) == 1 def test_twine_register_open(open_server, package): """Test unauthenticated twine registration""" srv = open_server with pypirc_tmpfile(srv.port, "foo", "bar") as rcfile: twine_register([package.strpath], repository="test", conf=rcfile) def test_twine_register_authed_ok(protected_server, package): """Test authenticated twine registration""" srv = protected_server user, pswd = "a", "a" with pypirc_tmpfile(srv.port, user, pswd) as rcfile: twine_register([package.strpath], repository="test", conf=rcfile)