==================== Build scripts folder ==================== Files: ====== - ``bumpver.py`` : Bump, commit and tag new project versions - ``check_readme.sh`` : Check that README has no RsT-syntactic errors. - ``package.sh`` : Build deployable artifact (wheel) in ``/dist/`` folder. - ``README.rst`` : This file. Release check-list: =================== 1. Update ``/CHANGES.rst`` (+ Title + Date) & ``/README.rst`` (Date, not version). 2. Push to GitHub to run all TCs once more. 3. Bump version: commit & tag it with ``/bin/bumpver.py``. Use ``--help``. Read `PEP-440 `_ to decide the version. 4. Push it in GitHub with ``--follow-tags``. 5. Generate package *wheel* with ``/bin/package.sh``. 6. Upload to PyPi with ``twine upload -s -i dist/*`` 7. Ensure that the new tag is built on hub.docker.com as ``latest`` and as a direct tag reference. 8. Copy release notes from ``/CHANGES.rst`` in GitHub as new *"release"* page on the new tag. Check syntactic differences between ``.md`` and ``.rst`` files.