#! /usr/bin/env py.test # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import os import pytest from pypiserver import __main__, core, backend from pypiserver.pkg_helpers import ( normalize_pkgname_for_url, ) from tests.doubles import Namespace ## Enable logging to detect any problems with it ## __main__.init_logging() def test_listdir_bad_name(tmp_path): tmp_path.joinpath("foo.whl").touch() res = list(backend.listdir(tmp_path)) assert res == [] hashes = ( # empty-sha256 ( "sha256", "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855", ), # empty-md5 ("md5", "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize(("algo", "digest"), hashes) def test_hashfile(tmp_path, algo, digest): f = tmp_path.joinpath("empty") f.touch() assert backend.digest_file(str(f), algo) == f"{algo}={digest}" @pytest.mark.parametrize("hash_algo", ("md5", "sha256", "sha512")) def test_fname_and_hash(tmp_path, hash_algo): """Ensure we are returning the expected hashes for files.""" def digester(pkg): digest = backend.digest_file(pkg.fn, hash_algo) pkg.digest = digest return digest f = tmp_path.joinpath("tmpfile") f.touch() pkgfile = core.PkgFile("tmp", "1.0.0", str(f), f.parent, f.name) pkgfile.digester = digester assert pkgfile.fname_and_hash == f"{f.name}#{digester(pkgfile)}" def test_normalize_pkgname_for_url_encodes_newlines(): """Ensure newlines are url encoded in package names for urls.""" assert "\n" not in normalize_pkgname_for_url("/\nSet-Cookie:malicious=1;")