Merge pull request #114 from blade2005/topic/allow-search-with-pip

Topic/allow search with pip
This commit is contained in:
Matthew Planchard 2016-06-22 21:11:01 -05:00 committed by GitHub
commit 7aa9240391
4 changed files with 135 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ From the client computer, type this::
## Download and Install hosted packages.
pip install --extra-index-url http://localhost:8080/simple/ ...
## Search hosted packages
pip search --index http://localhost:8080/simple/ ...
See also `Client-side configurations`_ for avoiding tedious typing.

View File

@ -3,13 +3,17 @@ import logging
import mimetypes
import os
import re
import sys
import zipfile
import xml.dom.minidom
from . import __version__
from . import core
from .bottle import static_file, redirect, request, response, HTTPError, Bottle, template
import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpclib # py3
except ImportError:
import xmlrpclib # py2
from io import BytesIO
@ -195,6 +199,32 @@ def pep_503_redirects(prefix=None):
return redirect(request.fullpath + "/", 301)'/RPC2')
def handle_rpc():
"""Handle pip-style RPC2 search requests"""
parser = xml.dom.minidom.parse(request.body)
methodname = parser.getElementsByTagName(
"methodName")[0].childNodes[0].wholeText.strip()"Processing RPC2 request for '%s'", methodname)
if methodname == 'search':
value = parser.getElementsByTagName(
response = []
ordering = 0
for p in packages():
if p.pkgname.count(value) > 0:
# We do not presently have any description/summary, returning
# version instead
d = {'_pypi_ordering': ordering, 'version': p.version,
'name': p.pkgname, 'summary': p.version}
ordering += 1
call_string = xmlrpclib.dumps((response,), 'search',
return call_string
def simpleindex():
@ -303,3 +333,4 @@ def bad_url(prefix):
p += "/simple/%s/" % prefix
return redirect(p)

tests/ Normal file
View File

View File

@ -1,22 +1,27 @@
#! /usr/bin/env py.test
import contextlib
import glob
# Builtin imports
import logging
import os
from pypiserver import __main__, bottle
import subprocess
import pytest
import webtest
import test_core
from html.parser import HTMLParser
except ImportError:
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpclib
except ImportError:
import xmlrpclib # legacy Python
# Third party imports
import pytest
import webtest
# Local Imports
from pypiserver import __main__, bottle
import tests.test_core as test_core
# Enable logging to detect any problems with it
@ -37,11 +42,13 @@ def app(tmpdir):
def testapp(app):
"""Return a webtest TestApp initiated with pypiserver app"""
return webtest.TestApp(app)
def root(tmpdir):
"""Return a pytest temporary directory"""
return tmpdir
@ -57,11 +64,24 @@ def testpriv(priv):
return webtest.TestApp(priv)
@pytest.fixture(params=[" ", # Mustcontain test below fails when string is empty.
"Hey there!",
"<html><body>Hey there!</body></html>",
def search_xml():
"""Return an xml dom suitable for passing to search"""
xml = '<xml><methodName>search</methodName><string>test</string></xml>'
return xml
" ", # Mustcontain test below fails when string is empty.
"Hey there!",
"<html><body>Hey there!</body></html>",
def welcome_file_no_vars(request, root):
"""Welcome file fixture
:param request: pytest builtin fixture
:param root: root temporary directory
wfile = root.join("testwelcome.html")
@ -84,6 +104,11 @@ def welcome_file_all_vars(request, root):
def test_root_count(root, testapp):
"""Test that the welcome page count updates with added packages
:param root: root temporary directory fixture
:param testapp: webtest TestApp
resp = testapp.get("/")
resp.mustcontain("PyPI compatible package index serving 0 packages")
@ -343,16 +368,19 @@ def test_cache_control_set(root):
assert "Cache-Control" in resp.headers
assert resp.headers["Cache-Control"] == 'public, max-age=%s' % AGE
def test_upload_noAction(root, testapp):
resp ="/", expect_errors=1)
assert resp.status == '400 Bad Request'
assert "Missing ':action' field!" in hp.unescape(resp.text)
def test_upload_badAction(root, testapp):
resp ="/", params={':action': 'BAD'}, expect_errors=1)
assert resp.status == '400 Bad Request'
assert "Unsupported ':action' field: BAD" in hp.unescape(resp.text)
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("package"), [f[0]
for f in test_core.files
if f[1] and '/' not in f[0]])
@ -364,6 +392,7 @@ def test_upload(package, root, testapp):
assert len(uploaded_pkgs) == 1
assert uploaded_pkgs[0].lower() == package.lower()
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("package"), [f[0]
for f in test_core.files
if f[1] and '/' not in f[0]])
@ -378,6 +407,7 @@ def test_upload_with_signature(package, root, testapp):
assert package.lower() in uploaded_pkgs
assert '%s.asc' % package.lower() in uploaded_pkgs
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("package"), [
f[0] for f in test_core.files
if f[1] is None])
@ -407,6 +437,7 @@ def test_remove_pkg_missingNaveVersion(name, version, root, testapp):
assert resp.status == '400 Bad Request'
assert msg %(name, version) in hp.unescape(resp.text)
def test_remove_pkg_notFound(root, testapp):
resp ="/", expect_errors=1,
@ -417,6 +448,62 @@ def test_remove_pkg_notFound(root, testapp):
assert resp.status == '404 Not Found'
assert "foo (123) not found" in hp.unescape(resp.text)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('pkgs,matches', [
([], []),
(['test-1.0.tar.gz'], [('test', '1.0')]),
(['test-1.0.tar.gz', 'test-test-2.0.1.tar.gz'],
[('test', '1.0'), ('test-test', '2.0.1')]),
(['test-1.0.tar.gz', 'other-2.0.tar.gz'], [('test', '1.0')]),
(['test-2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl'], [('test', '2.0')]),
(['other-2.0.tar.gz'], [])
def test_search(root, testapp, search_xml, pkgs, matches):
"""Test the search functionality at the RPC2 endpoint
Calls the handle_rpc function by posting to the WebTest server with
the string returned by the ``search_xml`` fixture as the request
body. The result is parsed for convenience by the xmlrpc.client
(xmlrpclib in Python 2.x). The parsed result is a 2-tuple. The
second item is the method called, in this case always "search". The
first item is a 1-tuple which contains a list of match information
as dicts, e.g:
``(([{'version': '2.0', '_pypi_ordering': 0,
'name': 'test', 'summary': '2.0'}],), 'search')``
The pkgs parameter is a list of items to write to the packages
directory, which should then be available for the subsequent
search. The matches parameter is a list of 2-tuples of the form
(``name``, ``version``), where ``name`` and ``version`` are the
expected name and version matches for a search for the "test"
package as specified by the search_xml fixture.
:param root: root temporry directory fixture; used as packages dir
for testapp
:param testapp: webtest TestApp
:param str search_xml: XML string roughly equivalent to a pip search
for "test"
:param pkgs: package file names to be written into packages
:param matches: a list of 2-tuples containing expected (name,
version) matches for the "test" query
for pkg in pkgs:
resp ='/RPC2', search_xml)
parsed = xmlrpclib.loads(resp.text)
assert len(parsed) == 2 and parsed[1] == 'search'
if not matches:
assert len(parsed[0]) == 1 and not parsed[0][0]
assert len(parsed[0][0]) == len(matches) and parsed[0][0]
for returned in parsed[0][0]:
assert returned['name'] in [match[0] for match in matches]
assert returned['version'] in [match[1] for match in matches]
def test_remove_pkg(root, testapp):
assert 0