#! /bin/sh ## ## Create an executable zip file. ## Invoked by `commit-standalone.sh`. set -x set -o errexit exec_zip="./pypi-server-standalone.py" my_dir="$(dirname "$0")" cd $my_dir/.. rm -rf ./build/* ./dist/* python setup.py bdist_wheel wheel="./dist/pypiserver-*.whl" ## Modify `wheel` archive with `__main__.py` at root, # add dependencies, and # prepend it with a python-flashbang + some header-comments >= 10-lines # so that ``head pypiserver*.py``behaves politely. # unzip -jo $wheel pypiserver/__main__.py -d ./dist zip -d $wheel pypiserver/__main__.py zip -mj $wheel ./dist/__main__.py wget --no-check-certificate \ https://pypi.python.org/packages/2.7/p/passlib/passlib-1.6.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl#md5=03de8f28697eaa67835758a60386c9fa \ -O ./dist/passlib-1.6.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl zip -mj $wheel ./dist/passlib-*.whl gitversion=$(git describe --tags) cat - $wheel > "$exec_zip" << EOF #!/usr/bin/env python ## ## Standalone pypiserver-$gitversion $(date -R) ## ## Execute it like that: ## $exec_zip ## To get more help, type: ## $exec_zip --help ## ## BINARY CONTENT FOLLOWS EOF chmod a+xr "$exec_zip"