enhance upload with support for apache's htpasswd files

use passlib in order to read apache's htpasswd files. make 'setup.py
register' work.
This commit is contained in:
Ralf Schmitt 2012-05-07 18:24:22 +02:00
parent 4ceb82458c
commit 64334af9e9

@ -8,33 +8,24 @@ else:
from bottle import static_file, redirect, request, HTTPError, Bottle
from pypiserver import __version__
from pypiserver.core import is_allowed_path
import md5
packages = None
class configuration(object):
def __init__(self):
self.fallback_url = "http://pypi.python.org/simple"
self.redirect_to_fallback = True
self.htpasswdfile = None
config = configuration()
def read_passwd_file(passwd_file):
users = {}
for line in open(passwd_file):
user, md5_hash = line.strip().split(":")
users[user] = md5_hash
return users
def validate_user(username, password):
if username in config.users:
md5_hash = md5.new(password).hexdigest()
return config.users[username] == md5_hash
return False
if config.htpasswdfile is not None:
return config.htpasswdfile.check_password(username, password)
def configure(root=None,
@ -47,17 +38,15 @@ def configure(root=None,
root = os.path.expanduser("~/packages")
if fallback_url is None:
fallback_url = "http://pypi.python.org/simple"
packages = pkgset(root)
config.redirect_to_fallback = redirect_to_fallback
config.fallback_url = fallback_url
if password_file:
config.users = read_passwd_file(password_file)
# PyPi server is read only without users
config.users = {}
from passlib.apache import HtpasswdFile
config.htpasswdfile = HtpasswdFile(password_file)
app = Bottle()
@ -93,30 +82,39 @@ easy_install -i %(URL)ssimple/ PACKAGE
""" % dict(URL=request.url, VERSION=__version__, NUMPKGS=numpkgs)
def update():
if request.auth and validate_user(*request.auth):
content = request.files['content']
except KeyError:
raise HTTPError(400, output="content file field not found")
if not request.auth:
raise HTTPError(401, header={"WWW-Authenticate": 'Basic realm="pypi"'})
action = request.forms[':action']
except KeyError:
raise HTTPError(400, output=":action field not found")
if not validate_user(*request.auth):
raise HTTPError(403)
if action != "file_upload":
raise HTTPError(400, output="actions other than file_upload, not supported")
if "/" in content.filename:
raise HTTPError(400, output="bad filename")
packages.store(content.filename, content.value)
action = request.forms[':action']
except KeyError:
raise HTTPError(400, output=":action field not found")
if action == "submit":
return ""
raise HTTPError(401)
if action != "file_upload":
raise HTTPError(400, output="actions other than file_upload/submit, not supported")
content = request.files['content']
except KeyError:
raise HTTPError(400, output="content file field not found")
if "/" in content.filename:
raise HTTPError(400, output="bad filename")
packages.store(content.filename, content.value)
return ""
def simpleindex_redirect():